Chapter Forty-Nine

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Ellen is smiling when we sit down, Luke squeezing my hand. "Hi guys! So, you just got back from opening the One Direction tour correct? Coming back from Australia?" "We actually flew in about 2 hours ago I'd say." Luke says. "Wonderful! How was the tour?" "Long but super exciting and so much fun, One Direction is really fun to hang out with and their pranks make a bad day good." I say with a smile. "What she said, we all bonded so much, it was great." Luke nods.

"Dylan, you start your own tour in a little over a month, how excited for that are you?" "I'm getting into my stage where I'm stressing over every little thing I'm doing, even if it's just eating, but this month will be full of me learning dance moves for the tour so it's gonna be a long month." I laugh. "Where all are you going?" "I am starting in North America then heading down to Central America and then a few locations in South America, then I head across the ocean to Australia."

I think for a second, thinking of the route we are taking. "Then I think a few locations in Asia then to Europe. We've added on a secret location that I was just going to tweet today, but I guess I can announce it here." I laugh. "We added on 3 stops in Europe, I am now coming to the Netherlands, Greece, and Belgium!" I grin.

"That sounds like an exciting tour!" Ellen says. "Luke, what about you? Your tour starts in a few months too." "We aren't going to as many locations as her, but we are going to a lot of countries. We start in Europe, then go to Asia then Australia then North America." "What are you most looking forward too?" "Definitely all the food." "And you Dylan?" "Getting to meet fans from different countries and the food." I nod.

"Alright, when we get back we will do questions from the audience!" Ellen announces and I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. They go to commercial and my smile falls, Luke looking at me. "You alright?" Luke asks. "Nervous. I still... I drift off, thinking. "What if they ask why I ran off stage?" "We can tell them the truth if you want. It's going to be okay, Dylan." Luke says, pulling me in for a hug.

"30 seconds." Someone calls. I get situated how I was, and Ellen gets up and goes to the audience. "Alright, welcome back! We are going to ask questions from the audience for Luke and Dylan." Ellen goes up to a girl who says her name is Amber. "My question is what happened at the last show in Australia?"

Luke turns to the girl and I bite my lips, glancing up at Luke. "I had proposed to Dylan and it scared her a little to where she ran off. We sat down and talked but she did eventually say yes." He smiles, giving my hand a squeeze.

I look up and see Ellen's moving to a new person. "Why did you decide to propose to Dylan in front of the entire arena?" "We'd been spending the last year and a half touring and in arenas, and so it had a significance so I'd thought it'd be cool if I proposed there." Luke smiles.

"What'd the ring look like?" The next girl asks and I look to the camera man on what to do. "Um, well, it's a silver band with diamonds in it and a large square diamond in the center." I explain while I camera comes up and focuses on the diamond. "When we get married we are going to get the date engraved on it." I explain, smiling up at Luke.

The crowd aw's, and Ellen goes to the next question. "What was your favorite stop on the tour?" She asks. I grin, turning to the girl. "Definitely London. That was really cool." "I'd have to say New York. I love the vibe Madison Square Garden gives off." Luke grins.

"If you could go anywhere, where would you go?" Was the next question. "Antarctica so I can see penguins." Luke immediately responds. "Count me outta that trip. Way too cold." I frown. "I think I'd go to bora bora, from the pictures I've seen it looks beautiful, or I'd go to Whit Sunday islands. I heard they have the whitest sand ever. Honestly I'd go anywhere with a beach." I shrug.

"Where do you guys think you would have had your wedding since Luke's from Australia and Dylan's from America?" This is actually a good question. "I honestly don't know, I don't have a citizenship in the US and she doesn't have one in Australia, so it'd be difficult to sort everything out." Luke sighs.

"If you could be in any movie, what would it be?" "Oh! Have you guys heard of the Gallagher series? I read it when I was younger and wanted to play Cammie if it ever was made into a movie." I grin, getting excited. "Um, I think I'd want to be a superhero in one of their movies... Or a ninja turtle." Luke says. "You don't sound very excited." I accuse. "I am." He laughs.

"Do you guys know when the wedding is going to be?" The next question is asked and I turn to Luke. "We are still deciding, but we do know it's going to be after our tours. We don't know a lot, but we will try and keep you all updated as much as we can as the year progresses." He says.

"Last question: if you could do over anything, what would it be?" We both go quiet. I finally speak up. "If I could do over anything I'd do over what happened 2 summers ago, when Luke and I got caught, when I went home, when I broke up with him, uh, when I let hate get to me when he told me to ignore it." I mumble the last part and Luke kisses the side of my head.

"I'd do over every time I've gotten mad and gotten in a fight with Dylan." Luke says. I laugh, we fought a lot but I think it ended up bringing us closer.

"Alright, when we get back, Maroon 5 will come out!" Ellen says. They cut to commercial and Luke and I leave, heading for the waiting car. They take us back to my brothers mansion, and we take our stuff in.

"Dylan!" Blake shouts, running forward and engulfing me in a hug. "Hi." I giggle. I wrap my arms around him, missing him a lot. Luke and Austin come running around the corner, hugging me also. A girl comes out from behind the wall, and I don't recognize her. "Dylan, this is my girlfriend Maggie." Austin says, pointing to the girl. "Maggie, this is my baby sister Dylan." "I'm not a baby, I'm 20." "Oh my god." He holds his hand over his heart. "You're so old." He jokes, giving me a light shove.

"Let's see this ring!" Blake says, grabbing my hand. I smile, showing my brothers. "Nice work, Luke." Austin says, laughing.

Luke and Luke do a bro shake, and I grab my suitcase, bringing it up to my room, Luke (boyfriend) following with his things. We drop it all on the floor, and I collapse on the bed. "I need sleep." I mumble, curling up in a ball. Luke chuckles, taking his shoes off. "Take your shoes off so we can cuddle then." He laughs. I hold out my feet to him, grinning. "So lazy." He sighs. I laugh, tugging my pillow to me.

He takes my shoes off, crawling beside me. I rest my head on his shoulder, my hand on his chest. "It's weird thinking we aren't on tour anymore." I mumble. "I like it, just a few months off from doing nothing." "I only have about a month." "But that's better than no time." He says. I nod.

"We should go see a movie tomorrow. We haven't done that yet." I laugh, nodding. "But now we should sleep." I say, closing my eyes and getting comfortable. Which consists of me laying half on top of Luke, his arm around me and my head on him.

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