Chapter Thirty-Two*

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I pounced on Luke, waking him up. He rolls over, groaning. "Wake up loser, you're 20!" I shout at him. He pulls his pillow over his face, groaning again. "I'll eat your cake." I threaten. "I don't care." He mutters. I frown, lifting his pillow. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I feel like shit and can you please get off me?" I climb off him and he tugs the pillow back over his head. "Like, hungover shit or sick shit?" I ask. "Sick." He mumbles.

"Lukey, you can't be sick on your birthday." I frown. "Well I am." "But your party." "Not now Dylan, the rooms spinning." I leave him to go back to sleep, frowning as I walk back into the living room. "Where's Luke?" Ashton asks. "He's sick." I say, sitting down in a chair. Harry walks in carrying a cake, about to sing happy birthday.

"Where's the birthday boy?" He frowns, all of them stepping inside. "Sick." "But it's his birthday!" I nod, glancing back towards his room. I heard the toilet flush and go back. He was laying on top of the covers, sweat covering his body. "Stomach bug?" I ask. He nods. I turn the fan on for him before leaving. I come back out, explaining that he had a stomach bug.

"We need to keep you away from him." Ashton orders, and I glare at him. "We don't need the two birthday kids getting sick for their birthdays." He shrugs. "I'll still get sick." "Not if you wash your hands, have you touched your face since you first saw him?" "I don't think so..." "Go wash your hands." I shake my head at the germaphobe, going to the sink and obnoxiously washing my hands with twice as much soap than normal.

"You're so funny Dylan, you know that?" He sasses. "So sassy Irwin." I grin. "I try." He grins. Kiera shakes her head at Ashton and I turn to her. "Why are you dating him again?" I ask jokingly. "Who knows." She shakes her head. "Turning my own girlfriend against me, that's wrong." He frowns. Kiera and I laugh, Ashton turning from us.

We all sit around talking, and after we have lunch Harry cuts the cake. "We gotta head to practice." Louis announces after everyone finishes their cake. They leave, Kiera goes to take a nap and Ashton joins her, Calum goes back to his room and Michael goes to FaceTime Ashley. I go into Luke's room, he's asleep in bed. He isn't sweating anymore, so his fever must have broke. He grabs my hand before I can leave and I turn back to him. "You left me cake, right?" "Duh." I laugh.

He opens his arms and I sit next to him, his head resting on my stomach. "Are you feeling better?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. "A bit." "That's a start." I smiles. He nods, closing his eyes. "Tired?" "No, wiped out." "I feel ya, I was the one in charge of a pregnant girl and 8 guys, I'm thanking God my band went home to visit family this week." Luke laughs, tracing patterns on my thigh.

"Dylan! I swear to god if you're in Luke's room." I hear Ashton coming and jump up. "I'm not here." I say, ducking under the bed. Ashton comes in, walking over to the bed. "How you feeling Lukey?" "Like shit, Dylan's not here, and I'm trying to sleep." He says. My phone goes off loudly and I squeal, lifting my head suddenly, hitting the top of the bed. I crawl out from under, answering my phone and rubbing my head, Luke was trying not to laugh and Ashton was.

"It's Damian." "I have called ID Damian." I laugh. "Right, we are running a tad late, can Luke and the guys go on first?" "Luke's sick, but I'm sure they can." "Can what?" Ashton asks. "Can you perform first tonight?" I ask. "Luke, you don't care that we perform with out you right?" Ashton asks. "Go ahead." He mumbles, stuffing his face into his pillow. "I'll see you tonight Damian, hurry when you do get here because no one wants to hear Ashton sing." I laugh. "You're so mean!" Ashton frowns. I hang up, giggling. "I'm joking, you're a good singer." I tell him.

"Now you're leaving Luke. Say bye." "No Ashton, it's his birthday, let me spend part of it with him." I whine. "Only because it's his birthday but don't come whining to me when you get sick." "I'll just whine to Luke." I shrug, "hey." Luke's head snaps up. "I'm joking. I always whine to Ashton." I grin. Ashton leaves and Luke pulls me back onto the bed. "You need a shower." I wrinkle my nose at his stench.

"Thanks babe." He frowns. "Any time." I kiss his cheek, letting him wrap his arm around my shoulders. "This is better than a party, just sayin'." He mumbles. "Love you too." I smile, feeling his hand slide into mine, our fingers lacing together. "I'd kiss you right now but I really don't want you to get sick." He laughs. I laugh, laying my head on his shoulder. "I'll probably get sick, but whatever." I shrug.

"Your golden birthday is this year." Luke says. I nod. "It's weird to think I'll be 19 in 3 days." I mumble. "Hey, you're still a teenager for another year, I'll never be a teenager again." "That's not my fault." I hold my hands up in defence. "Duh, it's my parents." I let out a loud giggle, Luke pulling me closer.

It goes quiet and I glance up at Luke, he seemed to be lost in thought. "Penny for your thoughts?" I look at him and he glances down at me for a second before looking at the wall again. "Just life, like, where would I be if I hadn't started up on YouTube or if we hadn't accepted your brothers tour. Would we have ended up meeting or would we both be dating other people? What about a year from now, when I'm 21 and you're almost 20? Will we be dating still? Or even engaged? Or will we be broken up, for good this time because I fucked something up again? It's a lot to process."

"I bet we would've met eventually if you hadn't accepted my brothers tour, but as for if you hadn't started on YouTube, I don't know, we'd both probably be in school, bored out of our mind, wondering why we didn't choose to pursue our career we really wanted, now stuck with what we are studying. I'd still probably be able to become famous just because of my brother, but I don't really know about you, you probably wouldn't have gotten to make a bond so strong with the guys."

"That's also what scares me, what if one of us does something to tear us apart? I don't want to lose what I have with the guys. They're my family away from home, hell, they still are at home, but the thought of losing them as best mates is fucking terrifying."

"I get that, one of them will probably end up as the best man at your wedding, the others your groomsmen, but if you hadn't made that first cover, you'd still be only friends with Calum, hating Michael, and not knowing Ashton."

"What about us, what if you stopped forgiving me all those times ago?" "Luke, you're the biggest idiot I know, but it's gonna take a lot more than everything you've done to make me hate you, you could probably cheat on me and, not saying you should," I say quickly, turning to him. He shakes his head, "but I'd probably take you back even then. You're my everything Luke, and yeah, sometimes the things you do or say hurt, but in the back of my mind I know you don't mean it."

"The back of your mind is very smart." He laughs, hugging me. "As for a year from now, I don't know, we could be still dating, we could be engaged, or we could be broken up, only time will tell Luke, I'm just hoping we aren't broken up. I like how we are right now." "What about married?" "You're not proposing, are you?" I turn to him.

"Please, I have more class than that. I'd want it to be special." I smile, leaning back on his chest, "I'd like to marry you one day, maybe once we are older, I don't know. But yeah, it'd be cool to spend the rest of my life with you." "I mean, we kinda already do that, but whatever." Luke shrugs. I laugh, nodding. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I grin, facing him. "I really wanna kiss you right now." Luke groans. I kiss his nose, and he smiles. "When I get better I'm attacking you with kisses." "That'd be nice." I grin.


Here's more of a look inside their relationship I guess? Idk. I think it's really cute tbh though. Anyone else?

What would you have done if he actually had proposed? I honestly don't know what'd I'd do and I'm writing this!

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