Chapter Forty-One*

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Wowzas I've never written this long of a story before


"Happy Thanksgiving guys!" I call to Damian, Zach, Brad and Aaron. They give me a wave as they leave the Denver airport terminal. I turn back to Luke who was on his phone. "You should've said bye." I scold. "Sorry, my mom was updating me on my grandpa." "Oh, how is he?" "Better, the doctors say he should be going home soon." "That's so good!" "That was the scariest thing ever, we didn't know what was going to happen."

"I'm just glad the heart attack didn't take him." I smile. "So am I." "Ready for your first Thanksgiving?" "Who's all going to be there? Isn't it like a huge family thing? So like immediate family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, that kind of thing?" "I guess you could say that, this year my moms side won't be there though, so less drama, and no grandparents, they died when I was 5 and 9." "Oh, I'm sorry." "They were old, it was their time." I shrug.

They call our flight, and we arrive in New York City 3 hours later. "Now we get to fight the New York thanksgiving crowd! Yay." I frown, leading the way through the airport. I almost lost Luke so I latched onto his hand, pulling him through the crowds, ignoring the rude looks I was getting. "You're such a New Yorker." Luke laughs as we get to baggage claim. We are sharing a suitcase since we'd be here for 3 days, not even.

"The only way to get through here during holiday seasons is to be a New Yorker." I say, watching for our bag. Luke steps forward and grabs it, I seemed to have missed it.

"Well now we gotta get through New York." Luke says, following me to taxis. "I don't see why we couldn't just get a suburban." He says as we wait, and I hail taxi after taxi. I huff, handing Luke my bag. "Because I don't like special treatment in New York, I'm a New Yorker so I like my New Yorker ways, and that means taxis." I step just off the curb, throwing my hand up and two taxis almost get in a crash to get to Luke and me first. Luke puts the bag in the back and gets in beside me and I give the cabbie the address.

A little over an hour later I'm walking through the front door and greeting my family. My dads side is extremely large, so this should be interesting. "You're late." My brother says as he walks by. "I didn't ask you." I reply, bringing Luke in and closing the door. I take my coat off and grab Luke's, putting them off to the side. "Dylan! It's so good to see you!" My aunt Elena says. "You too! This is my boyfriend Luke." I introduce Luke, and then do the rounds.

"How am I supposed to remember their names?" Luke asks me quietly as we take a seat on the couch. "You don't, you say hey you and hope someone answers." I giggle. "That's so rude." He frowns. "You'll get them eventually. We are here till tomorrow and so are they, you'll be fine." "Okay."

My cousin Rebecca comes over, grinning at me. "Hi girly, what's up?" I ask, leaning forward. "Is he your husband?" She asks. I choke on nothing, coughing a few times and a laughing Luke pats my back. "No, he's my boyfriend." "But he looks at you like daddy looks at mommy and you look at him like mommy looks at daddy." "I plan on marrying her one day." Luke says, leaning forward and I look down, hiding a blush from him with my hair hanging down.

"Hopefully she'll say yes to my proposal when I do." He continues, lacing our fingers together and my blush gets deeper. "Because I really love her and want to raise children on a pig farm with her when we aren't famous." I look at him, bursting out laughing. "A pig farm huh? What if I don't want to live on a pig farm?" "We could live in the middle of Times Square and our house would be a pig farm because we don't clean anything." He laughs.

I elbow him, frowning. "I do clean. When I left my brothers tour the like third day I spent cleaning to get my mind off everything." I counter. "Why would you do that?" Rebecca asks and I forgot she was even there. "Because it's what I do to get my mind off things and it kept me from getting anxious." "What's anxious?" "You know when you get really hungry and can't wait any longer for food? That's anxious." "Oh... Then I'm anxious right now!" She grins, running over to her dad.

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