Chapter 10

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"Okay this is one of the victim who died in the fire."Mark hummed in respond his confident about using his powers.

" Yah Irene you should be right about bring him here Mr. Chanyeol will be looking." Jihyo said mark slowly put his hand in One of a died pale body waiting for his hand to do the work.

His vision

The building was burning ashes everywhere, a woman was trying to get out the room is #701.

Then he saw the woman holding a tray with a bloody knife and she has a ring on her finger.

Suddenly he saw some code numbers 85C, 75A, and 80B.

He open his eyes in shock and the two girls look at him confusingly.

"I Think right after the victim died, She saw some numbers." Mark exclaimed still shock.

"What? Numbers?? What numbers?" Jihyo said confused at the situation, Mark walked back and forth to think about the numbers he saw.

"I think she saw...." Mark said, Jihyo quickly grabbed her notepad to write the numbers in. "85C, 75A, 80B"

"What was the last one?"


"80B OK got it..."

She look at the notepad in shock they we're number-letter combination. Then Irene look at the notepad and her reaction is the same as Jihyo.

"There Number-Letter combination." Jihyo and Irene look at each other in shock that they we're thinking the same.

"What are they? Chart numbers?"Some interrupted, The three look around and saw Jaemin was leaning on one shoulder in the door frame. He went closer to the three and kindly bow at the olders.

"Annyeong, Na Jaemin. Hey Noonas do you think this are chart numbers?" Jaemin asked, Irene was still training him even though his officially a Detective.

Irene realised that the number they can be. "I don't think so."

"It could be a dying message" Mark interrupted, the three look at mark then at the notepad.


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