Chapter 39

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Mark steps away from Jae In and asks, "is your father.... Park Junho?"
She looks at him.

"Do you know my father?"

"It doesn’t make any sense"

" Do you know that case?" Mark says making him crazy dizzy. He steps away from her. It starts raining.

"Appa was wrongly accused. He was a fireman before he became a security guard! He worried the most about the fire hazard. He rescued people during the fire. He is not that kind of person."

They stared at each other in the rain. Mark thinks and then kind of smirks.

"He is not that kind of person? Is that the only reason you trust him? Do you know what hurt me the most after getting this ability? All the nice guys in the world do all the dirty thing behind peoples backs. The first person that taught me how disgusting human being are…! The one I hated my entire life….is your father." Mark Says his mind became blurry and furry his overcoming His whole body.

"What are you talking about?"he starts walking off. "EXPLAIN THIS TO ME."

He stops and turns around when she grabs his arm. He pulls his arm away and leaves. She tries to run after him, but falls. Her shoe falls off as well making her fall down on ground. She looks up in the rain at him leaving and then looks at her shoe. This reminds her of falling in the past when she ran into him. She then asked him if he could ask his father to rescue her father. But he said that his parents died in the fire, a lot of people died.

Meanwhile, Mark walks aimlessly up the street and bumps into everyone. They all have umbrellas but he does not. He ends up touching one person on the hand and finds out that this person just hit someone in a hit and run. That person might be dead on the side of the road or they might be alive. 

Then he touches a woman who stole lipstick. Then he touches another person who is violent toward his wife.

He closes his eyes and starts to put his hands in his pocket to hide them. then he opens his eyes and keeps walking. He doesn’t touch anyone anymore. The music starts to play.

At the same time, Jae In limps as she carries her shoe with her to her front door. Inside, she sits at her desk and stares all around. Then she mutters, "what did I do to him?" Her dirty shoe is in her hand and her yellow shoe is in a box at her feet. She drops her shoe to the floor.
Outside somewhere along the river, Lee Ahn thinks about his father and Junho rescuing him and Junho ending up being charged as the criminal. He previously told Jae In that what her father did is not her fault. Jae In told her that people don’t think that way. He told her not to worry about those poeple. The people who love you don’t think that way.

He continues thinking about Jae In and all her emotions of her life in dealing with her father as a criminal.

"So, This is how it feels like ...when you can’t breath."

He then pulls out a little brown bag that says, “emergency rescue for Park Jae In” on it. He starts breathing a little stronger and then yells over the bridge "WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" He crumples the paper bag in his hands and slowly crumples falls to the side of the bridge and cries.


Elsewhere, Jisoo is working on the case and thinking about what Sooyeon said about the woman in the profile picture and how she looks like Kang Sungmo’s mother. Another woman comes into the cafe to talk to her. This is a nurse from the clinic. She says that when she helped make the composite image, it had been awhile and she did not remember the face all that well. Jisoo tells her that she is the only one that remembers her, please.

Flashback to the nurse talking to the mystery woman, we don’t see her face. the nurse also does not see her face. She asks if she feels trapped here? The metal bars make me feel like it is like a jail.

In the present, the nurse says that she thinks this woman is the one. Jisoo asks if she is sure. Another flashback to the time the nurse asked the woman if she feels trapped. teh woman turned around and told her, I heard the bird that lives its entire life in a cage cannot even fly away if the door is open. I am not sure if that means the bird is unfortunate or if the bird will not leave when it has freedom. I don’t know anymore.

In the present, the nurse thinks, yes, she is the one!


Jae In woke up not in a mood Chanyeol noticed and talk to her, Jae In explained him everything.

"Oppa, Why is everyone like this to Our father?" Jae In asked, Chanyeol sighed that's the only question he can't answer.

"I don't know Jae In."

At the police station, Jae In leaves her workplace and sees the mustang. She stops and thinks about everything that he said to her last night. Then she goes back inside looking solemn. Taehyung tells her that the CCTV is broken again. he looks at the screen and we see that one of the four images is off. He tells Park this so she answers the phone upside down as if she is completely in a daze she is. Jennie tells her that this was pretty comedic in a way but you should put something on your cheek to make me laugh. Taehyung smudges ink on her cheek. Then he tells her that the CCTV is broken again.

Jae In is super out of it so Nam checks her forehead and says that she has a fever. Yugyeom comes in right then, they think it is Mark at first, so Jae In was really hopeful. Yugyeom says that he cannot contact Mark, have you seen him? Mark tells him to go to his house not here. Yugyeom mentions Tzuyu for a moment and then asks Jae In why she looks like that? Did her and Mark fight? Jae In does not answer and just tells them that she will go on her police rounds.

While riding her motorcycle around, she is not thinking and almost hits someone. But she is able to swerve and avoid him, however she wrecks her motorcycle and has a hard time getting up She broke her foot. The man tries to help her. The bad guy is also watching from a bus stop across from her and looks at the CCTV with a mask on.


Elsewhere, Mark goes to talk to his father and mother. He pours soju on their grave and tells them that "I never understood why I drank this bitter drink, but now I want it as well."

In the polcie station, Yugyeom finally sees Tzuyu and immediately takes her baby from her because he worries about her wrist. Tzuyu says that her kid is shy and wont like it! But her kid actually likes Yugyeom a lot. Yugyeom ends up playing with the baby happily as Tzuyu gets her wrist checked. She comes out and says that the doctor told her  not to use her wrist for a few days. So Yugyeom pushes the baby in the stroller as they walk off.

On the way out, Tzuyu sees Jae In limping in the clinic as well. So they go somewhere to chat. Jae In tells tzuyu " I feel like, I went from heaven to Hell in one day. " They are both at their former teachers chicken place. The ex-teacher asks Yugyeom what is up with them. Yugyeom tells him that they both got injured. He wishes he could eat with them as well. But think it has something to do with Mark. he thinks, if Park Jae In looks like that then Mark should be unconscious.

Mark’s trembling and bloody hand as he still sits at his parents tree. He thinks to himself that he might really be stupid. He thinks about this over and over again and has no answer.

"When I think about you, mom and dad, I also hate her. But…throwing her hand away….I can’t forget it… "Mark says crying loudly.

"I know what determination she held my hand with…." Mark tears we're falling like a water fall. "and it is not her fault at all."


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