Chapter 38

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Irene goes into the interrogation room and thinks about the conversation she had with the thug guy. Flashback to that conversation with Chanyeol where he said that the woman disappeared and Chanyeol looked momemtarily destroyed. But he composed himself quickly and asked what her last fake identity was.

Jaemin comes in and pulls Irene from her memory as he says "I found Kim Sohee in the database. The thug was right, she was in the nursing home but left that day. Why didn't Chanyeol hyung tell us this after knowing this daebak information?"

"it is strange for Me as well. he knew that woman switched her identity from the other two and now is Kim Sohee, but why did he keep it secret from me?" Irene says confused.

"it is strange for her as well. he knew that woman switched her identity from the other two and now is Kim Songhee, but why did he keep it secret from me?"
Jaemin exclaimed.

"how can You have that kind of conclusion?" Irene asks.
Then suddenly Jihyo calls.

On the phone

"if You can come right now. Yes, right now!" Jihyo exclaimed, Irene drow off Then we see her looking at the autopsy report with Chanyeol's mother. She sighs as she looks over it.


Chanyeol was talking to some man about one weeks worth of CCTV in this neighborhood. But it is a quiet part of the neghborhood so there are not that many cameras. He asks him why he needs it. Chanyeol asks for the map of CCTV locations then turns to a super huge TV display with like 20 or more screens.

Later, he goes into the neighborhood with the CCTV map and checks all the locations. he walks along the map to them all and we see a pretty cool image of him walking the map like its a marauders map, or maybe like a gaming map. He checks all the cameras and all the extra cameras that are there as well that are not cop/city cameras. so he looked at the car cameras and shop cameras as well.

he walks all of this until late at night and follows the footage to the police station where we saw the killer looking at Jae In in a flashback. We also see that he has a hanging mark or something similar on his neck.

In the present, Chanyeol walks to the police station as he retraces the steps. He smiles as he sees the christmas tree inside and remembers something.


Chanyeol was little with Jae In. She said "the tree was pretty".

"pretty is an adjective that is something happy to see or cute behavior." He said, Jaein does something cute and

"if this is pretty too." He smiles ruffling her hair.

"Of course."

Chanyeol thinks about this as he looks at the tree and then turns to leave.


But by now, Irene has gotten to Jihyo and asks her "Are you sure about your talking about?"

" I know it is nonsense, but look at this. This woman and the other two women, look at the profile photo. Do you think she looks like Chanyeol's mother? After I talked to you, I looked at the autopsy report for the apartment. When I saw this picture, I felt like I was also hit by a hammer. "Jihyo tells her more confused than Irene.

"his mother died at the scene. We found her dead body with all the other HOA ajummas." Irene said confused

"they could not identify her due to the fire, but they also did not do a DNA test because they had her ID card."Jihyo explained. "You said that woman that lived as the other two victims has now became Kim Sohee, but it is so strange that he did not tell you about it."

Irene takes off in a hurry in her car as she zips to find Chanyeol.


Meanwhile, Jae In and mark get home to the station. Jae In says.
"someone broke the CCTV again in front of the polcie station, it is the third time already."

Mark tells her "Don't worry about it, he is a human CCTV."

"it nonsense to compare You and a CCTV." She stated He smiles brightly.

"Am I over evaluating myself again?" He playfully asked her trying to lighten the mood.

Jae In says, "it is the opposite, I under evaluated You this entire time since You also know people pain deeply. "

"You're making me so super excited from the first date." Mark chuckled up at Jae In cuteness it's too cute for him even seeing her frown is so cute to him.

She says "I put My music box in Your backseat." Jae In hopes her will like it though she is not sure if he will. But she tried hard. He is surprised her giving her a paperbag. "for me?" She says that she thought he made his for her? You didn't show it to me. He says

"You're too smart for this tiny neighborhood. " he holds up his bag with the music box gift in it for her. She thanks him for it.

Inside, she sets the bag on the shelf and then turns on her desk lamp to look at it. it is an adorable little Christmas tree. She smiles and thinks that his skills are pretty good. Then she turns it on and listens to a Christmas Carol for silent night. It reminds her of her appa and actually the music box is exactly like one from her memory.

Outside, Mark looks up and tells Jae In "sleep with go memories tonight." But when he turns around, he sees a mysterious man looking at him. He goes to follow him. But Jaein runs outside and gives him a big hug.

" that music box.... " Jae In eyes started to get teary that she can't I even form a sentence.

"Did you already see it? I wonder if it looks like the one that your father gave you."

"it is the same as the one that broke, thank you so much." Jae In was holding back Her tears but all suddenly fall her tears. He softly reaches up and brushes her tears away.

His vision♡

He sees the Christmas tree and then the day that her father is arrested. Little Jaein yells that her father did not do it, he did not kill anyone! He also sees her father tying her shoelace and saying that he will go check on everything quickly. He sees her appa waving from the window as well during the father. He clearly sees that her father is the guard at the apartment.

It shocks him. " Your father is....Park Junho "


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