Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe what Katy had said. I didn't expect her to go off like that. She has never done that to me before. I love Katy so much and I feel so bad for screaming. I wanted to call her but she was driving. I decided to just call a taxi.

When the taxi came I just went to a hotel. Katy wouldn't want me home anyways. I checked into the hotel for 2 nights. When I got up to my room I just slept. I dreamt of our baby. It was a little girl. She looked just like Katy. It was a dream of the moments in her life. The day she was born, learning to crawl, her first words, learning to walk. It was touching. I knew Katy and I are going to have a little girl. She'll definitely be daddy's little princess.

I woke up and checked my messages. I didn't have any from Katy. Which is kind of odd. When I was done I got a call from an unknown number. But I picked it up anyways.

"Hello, is the Mr. John Mayer?" the man asked.

"Yes. Why?" I asked.

"Your wife Katy has been in a very severe car crash. She's in the ambulance right now on the way to the hospital. If you want to see her, she'll be at the hospital.

My whole body felt numb. I was in complete shock. I dropped my phone and stood there for what seemed like forever. I then ran to the hospital. It was only a like a block away.

I ran and ran.

I got to the hospital and ran to the front desk.

"Hello I'm John Mayer. I'm looking for my wife uh Katy."I said.

"Yes Mr. Mayer. Katy hasn't been given a room yet." she said.

I then turned around and saw all of the ambulance people come in with katy on a stretcher. She had cuts all over her face, tubes everywhere, a breathing mask. I wasn't just worried about Katy. What about the baby?

The baby.

If it wasn't for me then Katy wouldn't have gotten into this car wreck, she and the baby wouldn't have gotten hurt. It's all my fault.

I ran over to her and her eyes were swollen shut.

"Sir are you family?" the guy asked.

"Yes Sir. I'm her husband." I replied.

They brought Katy up and I just stood by her side holding her hand. They rushed the stretched into a room of some sort and they pushed me out of the room.

"NO! YOU CANT DO THIS!" I yelled.

"Sir. We need everyone out of the room right now. We can't have anyone here." the officer said.

I balled and got down on my knees.

"KAAAAATTTTYYYYYY!!!!" I screamed as I burst into tears.

The security guards then came to me and made me sit on a bench outside of the room. I waited there for around 3 hours. Just sitting there motionless. It was all my fault.

Then the nurse came out of Katys room.

"Sir, Katy is ready to be seen. But you have to give her some time."

"Uh-ok-kay." I stuttered.

She left the room and I got up. My legs were trembling. I got up to the door and turned the knob. I then walked in one step at a time and saw Katy. Her pale white face and jet black hair seemed so dull. She looked lifeless. Tears started to fall from my cheeks as I got closer and closer to Katy. She didn't have any breathing tubes which was good. But she had needles stuck in her arms, sharp looking cuts all over her face, she seemed almost dead.

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