Chapter 17

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When we got to the store, the paparazzi surrounded us with bright flashing lights. I covered Scarlett with a blanket and pushed my way through all of the evil men. How could they be so pushy? They make me so mad. But I knew I couldn't act out, my daughter is right here.

I walked into the party store and went to the plates and napkins.

"Which ones do you want? How about the pink ones?"

She just giggled so I assumed it was a yes. I ended up buying hundreds of them. I have a huge family.

I walked out of the store and put Scarlett in her car seat. I got into the drivers seat of the car and called Tamra. I needed to make sure everything for the party was ready.

"Hey Katy. What's up?"

"Oh I was just wondering if everything is all set for the party tomorrow. I just bought all of the things."

"Yup. Everything is all set. Don't worry about a thing. I've got your back. But I have to go now so bye!" Then she hung up.

I was very relieved. I can't deal with anymore stress right now.

I drove back home and ended up taking a nap with Scarlett on my bed. Her head was in the crook of neck. I held her close as I felt her warm breath on my chest. I ran my fingers through hey golden brown curls like I always do. I guess it just comforts me in a way that's unexplainable. Motherhood isn't a thing you can describe. Motherhood is different for every woman. For me, it's life changing. I never knew how one person could change my life this much. Scarlett makes me a stronger, brighter, person. When I'm with her, I forget about all of my problems and just focus on her. She's the most important thing to me. I would do anything for her. I just miss John.


I can't believe it's been a year since I had Scarlett. She impacted my life so much. It's hard to believe she's 1. But I still have John on my mind. He never left my heart. But I think I left his. I think he just forgot about me.


I've been so miserable. My daughter turns 1 today and I haven't seen her since she was born. I don't know if I can ever meet her or communicate with her. Katy hates me. She'll never let me be apart of her life. I don't even know what she looks like. All I have is a picture of Katy holding her. But that was a year ago. But I will always treasure that moment. Even if it's just a picture, the memory will always remain in my heart. That moment was the best moment of my life. It just makes me so upset. Ugh.

I think I'm going to do something with my life today. I don't know what it's going to be, but I know something life changing will happen today. I just have that feeling. I'm no psychic, but it's like I know when something good will happen.

I haven't eaten or showered or slept in weeks. I've had a couple things to eat but that's it.

I pushed myself out of bed and fell right to the floor. My legs feel so limp. I haven't got out of bed in ages.

I pulled myself back up and got into the shower. It felt so good to be clean.


It was time for the party and Scarlett and I were waiting for the guests to arrive. I was sitting in the couch watching her play with her doll house.

*Ding Dong!*

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew this was going to be amazing. I picked up Scarlett and walked to the door and I saw all of my close family and friends waiting there with presents.


She crinkled her little nose and giggled. She was so cute.

Everyone followed me into the backyard and they put all of the presents on the table.

I was sitting down at a news able talking to my parents with Scarlett on my lap.

"So Kate, not to upset you or anything but how are you going to work out being a single mom for the rest of your life? Your father and I are quite concerned." My Mom said.

"Listen Mom, I'm not going to be a single mom the rest of my life! I'll work something out. Just chill out, okay?"

"You just can't keep putting your daughter on hold." My father said.

"Are you out of your mind? I always put my daughter first! Way before myself or anybody else. Scarlett means the world to me and if you think I don't care about her you're sick!" I said. I was really upset.

"Look, I have to go."

I walked over to Angela who was on the swings with Stella.

"Hey Ang can you take her for a bit? If you need anything just ask Tamra. Mom and Dad are making me really stressed out so I think I'm just going to take a walk in the beach. I need to think." I said.

"Uhhh yeah no problem!" She said.

"Thanks." I said with a fake smile.

I ran out to the front of the house and just started walking to the beach. It was where I went to think all think when I was a kid. I remember spending hours here just sitting down and watching the waves crash as I let all of my thoughts vanish.

When I got to the beach I just did my normal thing. Just sitting down relaxing and watching the waves. It was dark out now. I walked towards the water and I took my shoes off. I felt the water that felt like ice bleed through in between my toes and onto my feet.

I wrote John and Scarlett's name into the sand and it washed away. I wrote their name in my heart, and it will always be there. I don't care if John's not here, he's always in my heart.

Something felt different about this beach today. Like something was supposed to happen. I just ignored my thoughts and kept walking.

I kept my head down to avoid anybody noticing me.

I then looked up and saw someone I never thought I'd ever see again. We made eye contact.

"J-Jo-John?" I muttered to myself. I swear it was John. We were about 60 feet away from each other, but it felt like so much more.

He looked at me with sympathetic eyes. The puppy dog eyes that were screaming "I want you back." I knew I had to be with John.

We ran to each other and that's when my heart felt like it stopped.

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