Chapter 7

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"It's a girl!" the doctor proudly announced.

John looked down at me and looked into my eyes. He held my hand tight and took a deep breath. I think he was doing the best he could to not cry, but he ended up in tears.

I was crying tears of joy too. I think ever since we found out I was pregnant, we knew it was going to be a little girl.

I then just let the thought sink into my head. Teaching her how to sing, dressing her up into little tutus, this was going to be fun.

The doctor then printed out her pictures and John and I left.

We got in the car and decided to call everyone to tell them. This will be interesting.

"Hello Katy. How are you doing?" my mom asked.

"Great! John and I just came from the appointment and we are very excited to tell you and dad that we are having a girl!" I said.

"Oh Katy honey! That's wonderful!" my parents said in sync.

"I know! We are both so excited! But I'm afraid we have to go now. We have to call Johns mom too." I said.

"Okay Honey. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay. Bye!"

John then called his mom with the phone in one hand, and his other on my belly.

"Hello John honey. How are you?" she asked in a cheery voice.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know that Katy and I are going to have a baby girl!" he said as he rubbed my belly.

"Oh thats wonderful! How is Katy?"

"I'm fine! But pregnancy is a little exhausting." I said.

"I feel you. I've been through it with Johns brothers. And let me tell you...boys aren't the easiest after pregnancy." she said.

I laughed and she had to go so we hung up.

We then looked at each other and John kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back passionately.

He then pulled away and just stared at me.

I bit my lip and stared down at my bump. My bump was actually quite big. I rubbed it while looking back up at John.

He then pulled me in close by my chin and our noses were rubbing softly together.

"I love you Katy. I know I feel like I don't say it enough but I love you and this little girl in there so much. You girls are my world. If I didn't have you, I don't know where I would be. You have been such a good wife and I would just like to thank you." he said.

I just smiled and looked out the window. I didn't want John to see me crying.

He then turned me around by my shoulder and I covered my face with my hands.

"Shhh Katy look at me. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's fine John. I know you didn't. Can we just go home now? I just want to rest." I said.

"Yeah sure. Whatever you need babe."

We then drove home. John carried me bridal style into the house and brought me upstairs onto our bed. He then looked gave me that look that he used to give me when we first met. The like "everything is going to be okay" sympathetic look. I love John. He means the world to me.

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