Chapter 51

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I'm finally going to bed and it's around 1am, and I have an awful stomach ache. I don't know if something is wrong, but if it still hurts in the morning, I'll have to call my doctor.


"Katy? Are you still awake?" Angela whispers as she peeks into my room.

"Yeah. Why?" I giggle.

"Oh I was just wondering if you needed anything. But I guess you're going to bed. Goodnight." She says as she slowly shuts the door.

I sigh and lay back down on my bed. I decided I was going to go through Twitter, and then go to sleep.

I scrolled down my feed, eyeing all of the cute little prayers my KatyCats tweeted, which definitely made me smile.

As I finished reading some, my eyelids started to get heavy, so I shut my lamp off and went to bed.


"Ouch!" I screamed.

The pain in my lower stomach got sharper and sharper by the second. Now I'm getting scared.

"Angela! Angela come here!" I shouted. I don't want to wake anyone, but I don't really have a choice right now.

I heard light footsteps coming into my room, as I clutched my stomach, and moaned in pain.

"Katy? Are you okay?" Angela asked as she ran into my room.

"No. No. I don't think I'm okay. I think the baby is coming."

"But she isn't due for another week."

"I know. I'm really worried. And in a lot of pain. Please drive me to the hospital. I can't take this any longer."

"Okay, Okay. Just-- Get in the car before this gets worse."

She pulled me out of the bed and helped me into the car.


"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm hangin' in there. I'll be fine."

"Listen, I'm proud of you, sis." She exclaimed as she put her hand in mine.

I sigh. "Thanks. I'm proud of you too."

"Ha for what?"

"For everything you ever accomplished."

"Well I haven't really accomplished a lot."

"That's not true. You kept me going when I thought I couldn't. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. Thank y-- OUCH! That really fucking hurt!"

"Thanks Katy. And do you want me to pull over?"

"No problem." I panted. "And no I think I'm fine."



We finally got to the hospital and Angela helped me into the main doors.

"How can we help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"What do you think?" I muttered to myself.

"My sister has gone into labor. Could we get a doctor?"

"Yes Ma'am."

The lady helped me into a wheelchair and Angela wheeled me down to the room.

"Now I need you to lay in that bed. I'll have your doctor in here in a little bit."


"So Katy, how've you been feeling?" Dr. Smith asked.

"Eh. I'm okay. Just I'm in a lot of pain."

"It seems like it. I'm going to check how many centimeters you're dilated and then we'll see when you can start pushing."

"Sounds good."

The only 2 things that are on my mind right now are this baby and John. He's not even going to be here. This isn't just my child. We made it together. Now that I think about it, I really want him here. Wait, I don't want him here, I need him here.

"You okay?" Angela asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

Angela's POV

I feel so bad for Katy. Seeing her go through this isn't the easiest thing. I feel like I should call John. But would that go well? I don't even know if John wants to be around Katy, or if Katy even wants him here. I guess I'm about to take a huge risk.

Whether Katy likes this or not, I'm telling her. In fact, I don't have to tell her. She'll probably seem really surprised if he does end up coming.

I picked up my phone, and dialed John's number. It rang a couple times before he actually answered.

"Hello?, Angela? Is that you?"

"Yes John. It's Angela."

"What's wrong? Why'd you call?"

"Katy's having the baby. Listen, she doesn't know I called you."

"Uh, okay..."

"So are you coming?" I anxiously asked.

"Yes. I'll be there right away."


He ended the call and I then walked back into Katy's room.

"Who was that?"

"Oh. It's was just, Shannon."

"Is she coming?"

"Um she said she'll come tomorrow when the baby is born."

"Okay. Tell her I said hi!"


Katy's POV

"Okay it's time to start pushing. Angela and Mary, you take Katy's feet. Katy, are you ready?" The doctor asks.

"Ugh. Yeah." I whimpered. All I seem to think about is John. I want him here.

All of a sudden, John barges in the room, and my heart seemed to explode.

"John? You came?!"

"I sure did! I wouldn't miss the birth of my own child, would I?"

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