Chapter 13

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It was time to put Scarlett to bed, I was just laying on the couch with Scarlett in my arms, sucking on her pacifier.

I was so tired I don't even know what I saw.

But it was weird. It was like John's figure sitting on the couch next to me with his arm wrapped around me, holding me tight, but then I realized he wasn't there. He's just a ghost...

Scarlett then opened her eyes. She batted her eyelashes up and down as she was having trouble to stay awake. Her eyes were just as I imagined. They were a sea foam green with brown around the edges and blue near the middle. Gosh I love her so much.

I shut the TV off and went upstairs to Scarlett's room. I changed her and put her into her pajamas. I then picked her up, kissed her on the nose, and put her in the crib.

I walked slowly down the hall to "our" bedroom. I hesitated to even open the door. My hands started to pile up with sweat for no reason at all. Im I such a wimp. I opened the door and there everything was. Just how we left it. The bedding and sheets on the bed were all messed up, but John's clothes were all over the floor. I picked up all of the clothes from off the floor when I saw something on his nightstand. It was a jewelry box that had a necklace hanging out of it. I tried to stop crying as I walked over to it slowly. The necklace had something that I least expected in it. It was a golden locket that had Scarlett's sonogram picture on one side and our maternity photo on the other that we took at the beach. I held the necklace tight in my hands and I suddenly broke down. I took a pillow from my bed and just cried into it. I couldn't do this anymore. I needed John. But he would be so mad if I went after him.

On the back of the necklace it had something engraved into it. It said...

"I'll love you always and forever"



I placed my hand over my mouth as I cried more. I just want to give up. This has happened to me before, and it got to the point where I almost did give up, but I can't. I have all of my family and friends. I have a daughter. She's my world. She makes me smile. I need to be here for her.


I was laying on the hotel bed when I forgot about something, the necklace I was supposed to give Katy right after Scarlett was born. What if she saw it? She must of gotten rid of it. She hates me. She hates me so much. I can't even see my own daughter anymore. I just starred up at the ceiling feeling empty. Motionless. Nothing.

I missed Katy. And my daughter. And it's barely been a day. I decided to just go to sleep. Maybe I should move on...but I can't. I'm still married. Katy and I are meant to be together. I can't give up on this relationship. I need to make this work. I want Katy, but she doesn't want me back. Life is just so hard.


I went back to Scarlett's room and just starred down at her in the crib. She was sleeping peacefully in her crib, but I decided to put her in the bassinet in "our" room. I need someone to comfort me.

"Calm on baby." I whispered as I picked her up. She just stayed sound asleep.

I kissed her forehead and walked back to my room with her little body in my arms.

I placed her in the bassinet and got changed into my pajamas. I got in my bed and starred at the ceiling.

"I love you John." I whispered. I then remained myself that he wasn't here.


"I love you Katy." I whispered...

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