Chapter 42

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"Mary?" I asked; my voice was cracking.

I clenched my fists. I felt like punching a wall. I'm so mad at myself for letting this happen. I should've told Katy to see a doctor or something. She hasn't been going to her doctors appointments, because I've been stopping her. All I wanted was time with her. Gosh I don't know how I could be so stupid.

"Yes? Is this John?"

"Mary I messed up really bad."

I took my hand and wiped the sweat off of my forehead, waiting for her response.

"Please don't tell me it's Katy." She told me; her voice was cracking.

"It is."

"Where is she?! What did you do to her?!" She shouted through the phone.

"I didn't do anything."

I lied. This is partially my fault.

"Tell me what happened! Where is she I want to see her!"

"Mary calm down." Keith spoke.

"It all started like last night. She began to have really bad pains. I asked her what was wrong and she told me to leave her alone and it was probably just nothing. We were at the movies and she kept using the bathroom. Then when we left she fell and she's been in the hospital ever since."

"That doesn't make any sense. There must be more to this story."

"She's also missed a couple doctors appointments. I've been stopping her because all I wanted was time with her."

"Oh my god." She sighed.

"I'm really sorry I let you down. I know. I can't even explain to you how sorry I am."

"We'll be there with Scarlett soon. What hospital?" Keith asked.

I told him the hospital name and information, while I sat down on the bench outside of her room.

"Okay God I know I don't talk to you a lot, and I don't have the best past, but I'm asking you to do one thing. All I want is for Katy to be okay. She means the absolute world to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She's the only reason I'm here right now. Please. Just please let her be okay." I whisper.

Katy was still in her room. I guess I just have to play the waiting game. There's nothing else I can do.


Keith and Mary were here, and I know I'm going to be in some deep trouble.

"Where is she? Where's my daughter?" Mary asked as she stormed into the hospital.

I waved to Mary, motioning for her to come over to where I was.

"She's in that room. They said no one could go in there. Not even us."

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Keith asked as he picked up Scarlett.

"I don't know. They didn't say anything yet. They told me to just sit here."

Keith sat down next to me, with Scarlett who was now sleeping on his lap.

"Listen son. It's not your fault. I want you to understand that. Alright? All we can do now is pray for her. And when she's back, we'll let you see her first."

"Thank you so much Keith."

I gave him a hug and went down to the hospital cafeteria.

There weren't many choices, but all I got was a sandwich and a root beer.

I grabbed the sandwich and went up to the register. When I opened my wallet, something caught my eye. It was a picture of Katy and I on our first date. I folded the picture back up and placed it in my back pocket.


When I finished, I walked past the gift shop to go back upstairs, and got Katy some yellow roses and a picture frame to put the picture I found in.

I went up the elevator and saw Keith and Mary talking to some doctors, and Scarlett ran up to me.

"Daddy!" She shouted as she ran to me.

I dropped the flowers and hugged her tightly. She began to cry. It's the most awful feeling knowing your child is crying about the other parent. Scarlett doesn't even know what's going on. She's scared.

"Is Mommy going to be okay?"

"Yes baby. She is. I know she is."

"Okay." She pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine."


"Are you Katy's family?" The doctor asks.

We all shot out heads up and looked over at the doctor.

"Katy's very sick. She's got a very high fever and is very weak; So she's not very stable . She's in horrible conditions right now. I'm sorry everyone. But Katy only has a 50-50 chance of surviving."

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