Part 34

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I believe in love at first sight but i've only experienced love at second sight. _From: utopian19

Farha's POV

I woke up at the sound of the doorbell. I was half asleep and disoriented as i stared blankly at the white celing wondering who it could be in this early morning, then my brain processed. I realised Maryam told me Maina would be here at eight thirty to fetch me up for school.

Oh no! what time is it?

I scrambled out of the bed, looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table.

My goodness! It's eight in the morning already. I overslept!

What happen to the alarm i set last night at six? I groaned when i realised my mistake. I set the alarm at six pm instead of six am. Darn it!

But wait. Who's that on the door?

I put on my old green robe, rolled my towel over my head amd glanced at my reflection on the mirror.

I strolled down to the stairs and peeped at the door through the corridor like paranoid kid. Oh great! The painter. He was called three days ago but couldnt make it due to some personal problems.

I hurried back into the room and ran into the shower. I have to be quick because i've got only thirty minutes to get ready.

I took a bath and changed into a long summer dress. I wore a black sandal and picked up my leather bag.

I had a breaksfast with maryam silently. I'm sure she is aware of what happend yesterday and i was dying to hear her opinion.

"Hey, how is Maina? Is he okay?" she asked. Yes, finally she is asking.

"We havent talked since yesterday. But i think he is hurt." i added more syrup to my pancakes.

"Yeah. I think he broke a rib." she slowly looked up at me. I know she is feeling uneasy now. She has been against maina all this time and Ali throwing such a tantrum probably gave her a big schock.

"i was so scared. I thought Ali was over what happened. I thought...i thought.." my neck contricted and words couldnt come out anymore.

"Am sorry Farha. Ali was overwhelmed with jealous." she sipped on her mango juice and continued. "I am not disputing the fact that what he did was wrong but he was only trying to protect what he loves. All men do that, you know likewise." she shrugged her shoulders and looked at me waiting anxiously for my opinion.

We were still in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I ran up to open the door but Maryam got it first.

"Yes?" I heard Maryam said.

"Good morning. Is Miss Farha ready to go?" The man in dark suit answered.

I was in the corner, looking at them.

"What?" Maryam opened the door wider and looked at the black Mercedes parked in from of the main door. "Is that Butler Kufler?

"Yes miss."

"Oh i am ready to go." I said and grabbed my bag. I walked to the door and smiled at him. "Hello, Good morning. How are you?"

"Very fine. You look lovely as always, Miss Farha."

"Thank you" I answered hugging my bag.

"Shall we go? Maina is waiting for you in the car."

I nodded and smiled at me.

"May i?" Butler Kufler took my maroon backpack and followed as i went to the waiting Black Mercedes.

Maryam just stared at us smiling happily. "Bye" i said and waved af her.


I was glad that Maina was okay. I looked at him and touched his face.

"Hi." He whispered bringing me closer to him and smiled.

"Are you okay now? Did you sleep well?" I asked with curiosity.

"Yeah. Like a baby." He smiled, his hand exploring the palms of my hand.

He has bruises all over his face and had was wearing a black shades to hide his black eye.
I was so happy that he didn't break any rib. I was so scared yesterday. I couldn't bear if something will happen to him.

We arrived at the school and got stares from everyone when we went out of the car. Mostly disturbing looks were aimed at me like bullets. Ali was very popular so by now the news would have circulated the entire university. I was so embarrassed that i felt like i was going to melt.

I was really relieved when we turned a corner and Maina drove off. I thought the ordeal was over, but i saw Ali. He has bandages on his face. His eyes riveted at Maina's car as it drove off. He looked like he was ready to murder someone. Me.

He moved closer to me looking like a lion that's about to murder his prey. I swallowed a hard saliva.

"who dropped you off just now?" he asked with curiosity.

I heaved a sigh and looked straight into his green eyes. "That was maina." i said firmly.

"Oh wow Farha, you've got the audacity to look into my face and tell me Maina dropped you off. I am sure i warned you to stay away from him... Look you have to quit that job."

"Ali please, i really have to go. I'm late already." i walked away but he followed me immediately.

"Hey babe! Am sorry. I shouted at you and i've been misbehaving lately. I dont wanna lose you. Am just jealous. Please Farha, i love you." he held my hands, his eyes looking so sad. "I was very mad and jealous when i saw you with Maina. I couldnt control myself"

I looked at Ali suprisingly. He sure really knows how to beg for his mistskes. I always knew Ali had a bad side but he was really too good. I was like his guardian angel. He appologised everytime he made a mistake, not like the proud and arrogant Maina.

I felt like holding his hands and ap
pologise for giving him a hard time. But no! This time around am gonna play hard...

"let go of my hands. You're just acting again. Ali you're a two sided coin. Moments ago you were about to murder me and now you just changed and became soft. Please i need some space to get my head to work in peace." i removed my hands from his and ran down the students's affairs lobby.

Phew! I heaved a long sigh as i sat in the love garden after classes and stared at the environment. The green grasses, sunshine and everything was just nice. Maina pooped up my mind.

Avoid him. Avoid him. Avoid him.

I thought. What if he was just trying to be a playboy and bring problems to my relationship with Ali?

Wait a second! Maina never asked me out. Or even showed me was just a friendly love and care. Avoid him. Save your relationship. Yes! I have to do the right thing!

Buy me coffee


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