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This Prince’s Wife Should Be Different From Everyone

In regards to the case of theft in the Sheng Palace, Xuan Tian Ming had prepared himself for this girl doing this sort of thing. He had also prepared for it to be a large sum of wealth. But in the end, his thoughts had been a bit more conservative. When he saw the pharmacy’s first floor nearly completely filled, Xuan Tian Ming felt the skin on his head go numb. Especially since Feng Yu Heng had entered earlier and opened up all of the chests to reveal the gold and precious jewels. All of the treasures were in the chests, and the sight caused him to feel dizzy.

He knew that old eighth had money; however, he did not think that he would be this rich. He had some businesses in the capital; however, old eighth did not have any businesses in the capital. The source of this wealth naturally could not be traced, but the possibility of old eighth bringing it back from out of the province could not be discounted.

“This is still just a small portion.” Xuan Tian Ming sighed, “Over the years, he has been focusing his efforts in the South. The small countries in the desert will occasionally send some things to his manor. The large majority of his wealth should have been left over there. But precisely where it’s been hidden will definitely not be as easy as having left it in his manor.” He looked toward Feng Yu Heng with a look of concern: “Nothing happened to you that night, right?”

Feng Yu Heng shook her head, “Nothing happened. You know that it’s impossible for me to be caught.”

“Although I do know, there was still some worry. I wanted to accompany you; however, I was afraid of weighing you down. In that sort of place, nobody can guarantee that nothing will happen.” Xuan Tian Ming reached out to pat her head, “That night, Ban Zou came to me to beg for forgiveness. Although I told him that you would be fine, I was also unable to sleep until Ban Zou reported that you safely returned to the manor. Only then could I calm down. Your ideas are also a little too direct. You’ve cleaned out the Sheng Palace, and it sounds quite sensational; however, you need to be a little more careful during the following few days. Old eighth is a person with devilish thoughts. You two have just formed a grudge during the banquet, and during that same night, the things from his palace go missing. It’s inevitable that he will look in your direction.” After saying this, however, he gently laughed, “But it seems that he does not have the time to look in your direction for now. With such a big thing happening at his side, his first thought was that there would be a spy in his camp, and he is investigating like crazy! He would rather kill a thousand incorrectly than allow one to live. During these few days, the Sheng Palace has been sending out its dead to a mass grave outside the city. There isn’t the slightest bit of concern for taboos during the new year’s period.”

Feng Yu Heng was startled. She never thought that her stealing things would be able to cause this sort of outcome, but she did not feel distressed for the people of the Sheng Palace that died. It had been so many years. To be able to stay in the Sheng Palace to work, which of them was not a person that was of the same mind as the eighth prince? Those sorts of people, if one or two died, it would save her the effort of needing to take care of them in the future.

“Xuan Tian Ming.” She took a few steps to the side and reached out to fiddle with the gems, “Say, how much are these things worth? I think there are at least two million taels of gold; however, I can’t figure out the value of these gems.”

Xuan Tian Ming looked at them carefully for a while then said: “It’s not just two million taels. It should be around three million taels. As for the gems, it should not be of any lower value than the gold. As for the overall value, it really is difficult to pinpoint. If you’re interested, you can take all of these things out and have that girl that knows business calculate it.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now