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Take Care of My Own Food

In regards to the matter of Hundred Herb Hall, Yao shi continued to remain resolutely opposed. Her explanation was: “Hundred Herb Hall is run by that person. My A-Heng does not know that sort of medicine, nor does she have those strange medical pills and tablets. Our Yao family’s medicine is not like that in the slightest. That person is a demon. Feng Jin Yuan, why must to force my daughter to become like that demon?” Yao shi was truly unable to understand: “If you like that sort of daughter, why did you still treat her that way when she returned to the manor? You clearly don’t like that sort of daughter. You feel that she is stealing away your glory and feel that you have no way of controlling her. That’s why you did all that you could to get rid of her. Now that our real daughter has come back, you are forcing her to become like that. Feng Jin Yuan, what sort of heart do you have?”

When it came to the matter of her daughter, Yao shi did not show any give. The relationship between her and Feng Jin Yuan was already awkward. The two were enemies while in the capital. Even after they came to the South, it was for the sake of maintaining an image of peace for Fu Ya. In truth, the two were completely incapable of facing each other for her. Even if they slept in the same bedchamber for the sake of not being discovered, there was still a board installed in the middle of the bed.

Yao shi had just heard that someone had come to ask about opening a Hundred Herb Hall, and her first reaction was fear that Fu Ya would become like Feng Yu Heng. The fear caused her to quickly make an appearance to stop it. No matter what the actual situation, she cursed out Feng Jin Yuan first.

Feng Jin Yuan had been cursed for no real reason, “When have I said that I want to open a Hundred Herb Hall? I’m all too keen to never have anyone mention those three words! Could it be that I don’t know that we don’t have the ability to open one? Woman, what if that person had not left yet? With you raising such a commotion, what would happen if it was heard by that person? You really are liable to ruin everything!”

Neither of the two relented when it came to this argument, and there was nothing that Fu Ya could do. She could only plead with Yao shi: “Mother, don’t be anxious. We don’t intend to open a Hundred Herb Hall. It was just that someone suddenly came to visit. Father and I were just worrying about it!”

“Worried? What is there to worry about? Just directly refuse it! A-Heng, we absolutely must not open Hundred Herb Hall. That is something that person does. You must not learn from her. Mother does not want that sort of daughter. My daughter is just a young girl and does not have that much ability. We will just live out our life. You must not think of standing out. After a few more months, and you have become of marriageable age, mother will go and speak with the prefect’s madam to have her help you find someone nice.”

“Shut your mouth!” Feng Jin Yuan had also become irritated, “What’s this about finding someone nice? Have you gone crazy? Why did we come over here? What is that prefect’s family getting close to us for? Do you really think that coming here is that idle? Yao Qian Rou! Put away your aloofness. If you really love your daughter, think about her. Do not bring up anything about finding someone nice. Our daughter will be engaged to His Highness the eighth prince!” Feng Jin Yuan was really on the verge of being driven insane by Yao shi. If Yao shi really went and spoke to Jiang shi about finding someone for Fu Ya, would it not be the end? Not to mention this reaching His Highness the eighth prince’s ears and what sorts of thoughts he would have, but even if it was heard by the citizens of Lan Zhou, that would also cause some problems!

Yao shi was given a start from being shouted at, and she immediately recalled what the person in black clothes that had found her had said. To escape from the capital and to be together with her daughter, she had to obey. She had to obey His Highness the eighth prince and Noble Lady Yuan’s instructions. She would pretend to be a couple with Feng Jin Yuan to give Fu Ya the appearance of being the real Feng Yu Heng. Most importantly, from this day forward, Feng Yu Heng was His Highness the eighth prince’s. She no longer had any relationship with the ninth prince.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now