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The Teng Family Are Robbers

Feng Yu Heng put her tranquilizer gun back inside her space and looked at Ban Zou a little bit provocatively, and the corners of his lips twitched, but he did not say anything. Feng Yu Heng’s hidden weapon was something that he had been thinking about the entire time. Every time that Ban Zou saw her pull it out, he felt that he had truly wasted his years training his martial arts. But after thinking a bit, she was his master. No matter how it was, a master should be a bit stronger than the subordinate, thus he felt a bit relieved.

The four drifted down from the roof and swaggered into the room. The personal troops that were standing guard outside must have thought that such a thing could not possibly happen in Ji An Prefecture. This residence was so small that they would immediately notice if an extra chicken appeared, thus they did not pay too much attention; however, who knew that there would be four highly-skilled people that would sneak inside. Without making a single sound, it was as though they were ghosts, as they rendered the person that they were protecting unconscious.

Ban Zou pointed at the two people on the bed and asked Feng Yu Heng how they should be dealt with. Feng Yu Heng pondered for a bit but did not reply directly. Instead, she walked up and removed the tranquilizer needles from their bodies and threw them back inside her space. Then, in front of her two maidservants and hidden guard, she went up to the man in brocade and… removed his pants.

Wang Chuan and Huang Quan were ashamed. Young Miss, what are you doing? Ban Zou, however, watched intently, as Feng Yu Heng pulled out a needle and stabbed it at the nephew of the prefecture guard’s crown jewels a few times. She then threw the needle back inside her sleeve. Turning back around, she quietly said: “Put his pants back on then pick him up. We’re going to head to the prefecture guard’s manor.”

The four left just like that, completely ignoring the brainless troops standing outside. It was only when they reached another road that Huang Quan said: “Those troops weren’t just there for show, right? Why are they all just standing there foolishly? They’re able to protect their master and the fief like this?”

Feng Yu Heng shrugged: “The troops that could be assembled in a small place, what hopes can be placed in them? They’re just a bit larger and have a bit more strength. They can’t be compared to the soldiers in the army. But this is also good. If there really was a fight, doesn’t this save us some effort?”

“What did you do with him?” Ban Zou did not care too much about the personal troops. Comparatively, he was more concerned about Feng Yu Heng having stabbed the nephew’s crown jewels and what sort of effect it would have.

Feng Yu Heng smirked: “Nothing much. He still has his life, but his crown jewels can no longer be used.”

Wang Chuan and Huang Quan let out a laugh. If they were not in the middle of a stealth operation at night, they really would have begun clapping. But Ban Zou had a different opinion from them, as he said: “For this sort of thing, a single cut would suffice. Next time, don’t use such a direct method.” What was it, a grown girl taking off a man’s pants and seeing that sort of thing, no matter how he thought about it, he felt disgusted.

“Using a blade would leave too much blood. Also, the target would be too large. For example, you’re currently carrying him. If a blade was used, your body would be covered in blood.”

Ban Zou trembled, “Stop speaking, the more you say, the more disgusted I feel. Even without a blade, I can use my hand to twist it. Either way, there’s no need for you to personally do it. If such a thing happens again in the future, just speak. I won’t trouble master with handling it yourself.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now