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Wang Chuan Employs a Strategy

These words left Liu shi in a daze, as she practically did not dare believe her own ears, asking: “What did you say?”

That maidservant repeated herself: “A servant came from master’s side saying that master will be spending the night in the head madam’s room and will not be coming over here.”

“That old hag!” Liu shi’s face immediately changed upon hearing this. The teacup that she had been holding was smashed on the ground, as she gnashed her teeth. “Wasn’t she still sick during the day? How is it that she could get husband to stay the night? As I see it, her illness was fake and was for the sake of getting some sympathy from husband.”

Chun Tao quickly agreed, saying: “It must be that she faked her illness to have master stay the night. Thinking about it, master has been spending every night over here, and the head madam must have lost her patience. Concubine mother, should we think of something?”

Liu shi waved her hand and dismissed the servant who had come to deliver the news. She then stood up and looked at the bed with the sheets that had already been prepared. For the sake of adjusting the mood, red candles had been set around the bed in anticipation of the husband coming over; however, who knew that he would be stolen away by that old hag, the head madam.

She felt that things were unjust and knocked over a couple candles to vent her anger. Looking down at the candles at her feet, she felt that destroying them out of bitterness was too much of a waste, thus she bent down and personally picked them back up. She then turned to say to Chun Tao: “Go and call housekeeper Qi over. Just say that the brazier in the room is not burning brightly. Have him take a look at what’s going on.”

Chun Tao smiled at Liu shi and quietly said: “Madam, don’t worry. This servant will go immediately and will have the girls in the courtyard rest if they don’t have much to do.”

Liu shi nodded and sat back down on the bed. Watching Chun Tao leave the room, she began to tidy her hair and changed into some thinner clothes. “Zhu Xinjie, if you won’t come, don’t blame me if someone else does.”

In the end, Wang Chuan had left the manor. She had gone out before it got dark and bought some of the pastries that Zhu Kongyue loved to eat the most. When she returned, she happened to see Liu shi’s personal maidservant, Chun Tao, speaking with the housekeeper. Chun Tao looked naturally charming, and her eyelashes were fluttering madly while speaking. The housekeeper also looked to have a clear understanding. As the two spoke, the housekeeper went through the motions of leaving the gate to the servants, as he would be going to concubine mother Liu’s courtyard to fix a brazier. He then followed Chun Tao and left.

Wang Chuan blinked and felt that these two were a little too brazen. Flirting so openly in the front yard under the eyes of so many people? But looking at the others, she found that nobody else found it strange, as they just carried on with whatever they should be doing, thus she knew that this was the result of some seeing what she wanted to see. In truth, they were just carrying out their normal duties.

She continued to feel that something was off and decided to stealthily follow along. What sort of person was Wang Chuan! She was one of Feng Yuheng’s personal maidservants, and she had been trained by the Yu Palace. If she wanted to tail a couple people in the Liu manor, it would be as easy and deciding to do it. Walking at the front, housekeeper Qi and Chun Tao did not notice that someone was following along behind them. On the way to Liu shi’s courtyard, when they passed through the winding hall, housekeeper Qi reached out and pinched Chun Tao, which aroused a cry from Chun Tao. Following this, she shot him a glare and said: “Why are your hands so disobedient? We’re almost there. Are you not afraid of being discovered by concubine mother Liu?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now