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The Commoners Turn Hostile

Wang Lin’s shout completely shook everyone that heard it!

Hundred Herb Hall was being forced to close by someone else?

This information was spread among the people. From the entrance of Hundred Herb Hall, it spread in all directions. Very quickly, this information became known to everyone that had come to complain.

But following this, someone voiced their confusion: “What sort of person could force Imperial Daughter Ji An to do it?”

“That’s right! That’s an imperial daughter! Who could have that ability?”

In the eyes of the commoners of the capital, Feng Yu Heng was an existence that could do anything. Not only was she skilled in medicine, but she had also produced steel for Da Shun. This sort of person was a national treasure that even the Emperor carefully held in his hands, fearing that he would drop her. Now, they actually said that someone forced Imperial Daughter Ji An to close Hundred Herb Hall. Was this not madness? Who would have the courage to do it?

Everyone’s doubts gradually began to spread. Starting from quiet discussions to loud shouting, the people seemed to have become crazy. “Who was it? Who dared to force imperial daughter to close Hundred Herb Hall? Call them out! Call them out!”

The loud and repeated shouts caused Wang Lin to sigh with emotion. Boss really was viewed as a deity. The scene today had been described by the boss on the night that the three had enjoyed a hotpot together. There was not the slightest difference.

The people’s shouts continued; however, it had changed from shouting about the closure of Hundred Herb Hall to shouting about the people that had forced Feng Yu Heng. The men loudly shouted while the women sobbed. It had been over two years. Under Feng Yu Heng’s guidance, Hundred Herb Hall had already become a special existence inside the capital. This place did not just have miraculously-fast-acting medical pills, but it also had the best medical techniques and best nursing services. Not only did they take in the people from wealthy families, but they also treated the commoners equally and did not provide anyone with special treatment. Of course, they could not afford the medical pills, but Hundred Herb Hall had not completely rejected medical herbs and medical soups. The doctors could still provide prescriptions for those, and they could buy the necessary medicine in the hall. It could be said that Hundred Herb Hall was a medical clinic that catered to everyone. As long as Hundred Herb Hall was there, no matter how severe the illness, people would no longer be as scared about dying as in the past because everyone knew that if they came to Hundred Herb Hall, there would definitely be someone that could save them. After a period of over two years, Hundred Herb Hall had become a pillar of support for the capital. For it to suddenly be closed, nobody could accept this reality.

The shouts continued, and there were even some that began to loudly shout: “Shopkeeper, just reveal the names of those that forced Imperial Daughter to close Hundred Herb Hall. No matter who they are, we will need to go and demand an explanation! A medical clinic that was so beneficial to the citizens, on what basis do they insist it be closed?”

“Right, right! Boss, just say it. Even if that person is in the palace, we will risk our lives to go and kneel in front of the palace’s entrance!”

The people were very emotional, and this was the desired result that Wang Lin was hoping for. With a troubled expression, he stood on the table and endlessly stomped his feet while trying to advise: “Everything must calm down! You must not go and cause any trouble for them! They’re all government officials. They’re not people that us commoners can offend. Hah! Speaking of, it was a matter that occurred during the palace banquet on the first day of the new year. There were some officials that began to oppose our boss for some reason. Not only did they kneel to ask His Majesty to no longer allow Imperial Daughter into the palace, but they also made a threat, saying that Hundred Herb Hall had to be closed. They said that our imperial daughter is of the weaker sex and is not suited to doing these things. For the sake of not causing His Majesty any trouble, she could only agree while feeling wronged. Hah!”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now