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Feng shi Yu Heng, Age 15, Permitted to Marry and a Hairpin Ceremony*

Nobody had anticipated that the crying would only intensify, starting from Feng Yu Heng crying alone to her holding Zi Rui and crying to crying with her three aunts. Later on, Xiang Rong also joined in, as did Xuan Tian Ge and their friends. Wang Chuan and Huang Quan also cried. By the end, all of the females in the hall were crying, and the sound of their cries shook the heavens. The sound caused the maidservants and male servants in the residence to also tear up.

Xuan Tian Ming’s head ached. He never knew that his wife was capable of crying so much. He wanted to console her; however, he did not know how to do it. It was the fourth prince, Xuan Tian Yi, who had a bit more experience, telling Xuan Tian Ming: “There’s no need to console them. When they’ve cried enough, they’ll stop on their own. The more you console them, the louder they’ll cry. It’s possible that they’ll even cry for the entire night!”

Upon hearing that they might cry for the entire night, Xuan Tian Ming nearly collapsed. It was the seventh prince, Xuan Tian Hua, who was a bit more pragmatic, as he said to Xu shi: “Eldest madam of the Yao family, didn’t you say that you wanted to celebrate A-Heng’s coming of age ceremony?”

These words reminded Xu shi, and she quickly wiped her face. Managing to get her tears under control, she pulled Feng Yu Heng along and said: “Right, there is still the coming of age ceremony. Our A-Heng coming of age is a grand occasion. It can’t just be done in a casual manner.”

With Xu shi saying this, everyone agreed, and Zi Rui even said: “Coming of age is the most important thing in a girl’s life next to getting married. This was something that Teacher said, and Zi Rui has remembered it.”

Feng Yu Heng pinched Zi Rui’s cheeks. This younger brother was becoming more and more impressive with each year, and it was very gratifying. She said to Xu shi: “Although coming of age is an important matter, we are currently in the South. There’s no need to follow the rules too closely. Just doing something simple would be fine!”

She said to have something simple carried out, but how could Xu shi agree. In addition to this, Xuan Tian Ming had also made arrangements, thus Feng Yu Heng’s coming of age truly was magnificently lively.

Although she had put on her wedding dress back in Lan Zhou City, her hair was left as it had been behind her head, without being tied up into a bun. At that time, Wang Chuan had said that Young Miss still had not performed the coming of age ceremony. “Although His Highness the ninth prince had already come to marry her, with such a big step missing, this servant does not feel at ease. We can’t belittle ourselves. Young Miss’ hair cannot be tied up. Just leave the hair loose, and this servant will think of a way to keep the phoenix coronet on. It will not affect setting out.” That was why Feng Yu Heng’s hair had not been tied up until this moment.

Qin shi and Miao shi, along with Feng Xiang Rong, accompanied Feng Yu Heng back to her room to get changed. Xu shi stayed behind in the main hall to make preparations for what was to come. The new clothes that had been prepared specifically for this coming of age ceremony had already been sent over. It was only at this moment that Feng Yu Heng realized that her understanding of the ancient era had been too lacking. It turned out that the clothes for the coming of age also had their own rules. From inside to outside and from top to bottom, everything needed to be changed. These new clothes were called guanfu.**

These new clothes had been prepared by the aunts themselves. It was orange in color but not in poor taste, nor was it as celebratory in nature as the red wedding dress. Qin shi said: “This was completed back in the capital. When your eldest aunt and I went to Ji An Prefecture, we had brought it along, but you ended up preparing to go South. We were worried that if we brought up the matter of your coming of age, you would think of your marriage and feel unhappy, thus we did not tell you. Who knew that His Highness the ninth prince would be so thorough. Not only did he prepare to marry you on the day that you came of age, but he had also sent people ahead of time to Ji An Prefecture to secretly bring us all over.”

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