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The Fake Imperial Daughter Is Presented a Petition by Commoners

The medicine merchant Fang Ru Jiang had visited the Feng residence a few times, hoping that Fu Ya would open a Hundred Herb Hall in Lan Zhou. News of this somehow spread and reached the ears of the citizens living in Lan Zhou.

This was not much at the start, but once the desert countries attacked, the battle in the South became nerve-wracking. Numerous injured soldiers would be sent to Lan Zhou from the South each day to live in the medical clinic. Injured soldiers could be seen on the streets all over, and some medical clinics could not accommodate all of them. The bloody atmosphere spread all over, and although the fires of war had not yet reached Lan Zhou, the citizens of Lan Zhou had already begun feeling the nervousness.

In this sort of atmosphere, the citizens suddenly heard that there was a medicine merchant that wanted to open a Hundred Herb Hall with Imperial Daughter Ji An. News of this was something that had to be praised. Everyone knew that Imperial Daughter Ji An’s medical abilities were exceptional, and everyone knew that Imperial Daughter Ji An had miraculous medicines. Although the people of the South had never seen how a Hundred Herb Hall treats patients before, there were some rumors that reached this side. The rumors made Imperial Daughter Ji An sound like a deity, and it caused everyone to feel as though Imperial Daughter Ji An was a deity.

Given the current circumstances, if Imperial Daughter Ji An opened a Hundred Herb Hall, that would be a great thing for the commoners!

Thus the citizens of Lan Zhou began to rally together. Each day, large amounts of people would gather around the Feng residence’s entrance to petition in hopes that Fu Ya would agree to open a Hundred Herb Hall and relieve some of Lan Zhou’s burdens. There were also the medical clinics that had taken in a large number of injured soldiers, and there would also be a large number of people that would visit to ask for Imperial Daughter Ji An to help them with the soldiers that they were powerless to save.

This continued for over ten days, and the Feng residence had not enjoyed a single moment of peace. More and more citizens came to petition outside the Feng residence each day. By the end, even the back entrance of the Feng residence was surrounded. The Feng residence was very tightly surrounded.

Inside the Feng residence, regardless of whether it was master or servant, not a single person dared to go outside. Fu Ya simply announced that she had fallen ill and that doctors could not treat themselves. She herself had fallen ill and truly could not do anything about it. But in truth, she and Feng Jin Yuan were spending their days, researching how to face this matter. In regards to the petition from the citizens, they did not dare to do anything, but they also did not dare to remain unmoved. They were extremely anxious and had become noticeably thinner.

Feng Jin Yuan calculated the days and said: “The eagle that we sent back to the capital with our letter should see a return letter shortly.”

Fu Ya said: “Even if something happened to the letter that we sent, the capital should also be sending a letter of their own regardless. Now that Noble Lady Yuan is in the palace and His Highness the eighth prince is also in the palace, they can’t just leave us to handle the matters over here on our own. This was a play that they had arranged, yet they have just left us here to our own devices? Who would come and take care of this big plot?” She was complaining a bit. Originally, even if there would be some movements, they would not be so urgent, but now it had been pressed to this degree. She could not do without being anxious.

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