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Feng Fen Dai Enters the Palace

Feng Yu Heng noticed the slight change in the palace maid's mood; however, she could not understand why exactly this was. She just saw her stand up and extend a box forward, respectfully saying: "Our master was very happy with the marriage between Imperial Daughter and His Highness the ninth prince. Because master lives in Jing Si Palace, it's inconvenient for her to come and go, thus she chose a gift from the things that she had. She then had this servant come to deliver it and congratulate Imperial Daughter and His Highness the ninth prince on the joy of a grand wedding." After saying this, she handed the item to Wang Chuan, who then presented it to Feng Yu Heng.

Feng Yu Heng did not understand things like jewelry very well. She could only recognize them as a pair of jade earrings, but since it had come from a concubine of the imperial harem, it had to be extremely valuable, thus she smiled and politely said: "Pass along my thanks to Noble Lady Li. Just say that I really like these earrings and will take good care of them. Many thanks to noble lady for her kind intentions."

The palace maid bowed and thought for a bit, adding: "Noble lady said that she hopes for Imperial Daughter and the ninth prince to live happily, to enjoy a hundred years of harmony, and to quickly give birth to a healthy child. At the same time, noble lady truly misses His Highness the sixth prince and hopes that His Highness can quickly return to the capital. She hopes that Imperial Daughter can let His Highness the sixth prince know the next time you two meet. In summary, as long as Imperial Daughter is able to get along with His Highness the ninth prince, that is what noble lady hopes for the most."

The palace maid quickly spat these words out then left, leaving Feng Yu Heng confused. She asked Wang Chuan: "What was the meaning of that?"

Wang Chuan said: "It sounded like a heartfelt congratulations, but it felt a little too deliberate. When praying for your happiness, it did not have any celebratory tone. It did not sound any different from a warning."

Feng Yu Heng also felt as though it was a warning, but what was this warning about? "Warning me to enjoy a good life with Xuan Tian Ming? Shouldn't they hope that I don't get along with Xuan Tian Ming? Why have they suddenly changed their angle?"

At this time, Huang Quan came in from the outside. Hearing what Feng Yu Heng had just said, she interjected: "It might just be that palace maid herself who hopes for you and His Highness to live happily. As for Noble Lady Li... Young Miss, a spy from the palace came to report just now. Today before noon, the Feng family's fourth young miss, Feng Fen Dai, entered the palace and went to Jing Si Palace."

"Oh?" Feng Yu Heng did not think that this was unexpected. She and Xuan Tian Ming had already returned to the capital, and they had returned with such a great military triumph. There would definitely be some people who would have some of their own ideas. In the past, Feng Fen Dai had egged on Noble Lady Li. Choosing to visit Noble Lady Li at a time like this, it might have had something to do with her. "In the end, that girl just refuses to give up and be obedient. It seems that scattering Feng Jin Yuan's ashes was not enough to relieve that knot in her heart. It's just that the person that she had bet on does not appear to be very steady."

"That's right!" Wang Chuan also chimed in: "A few years earlier, the fifth prince was quite absurd. Although he has gotten better these past few years, he is still too lacking compared to the other princes. Those official matters and thoughts that had been neglected are not things that can be made up for in just a few moments. If the Feng family's fourth young miss continues to mess around like this, I fear that she still won't be able to support her future husband."

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