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Have You Taken an Interest in Feng Yu Heng?

Xuan Tian Yan went to report in with Feng Fen Dai every day. Ever since Feng Jin Yuan's ashes had been scattered, Feng Fen Dai had removed the sign indicating that this was the Feng residence, but who knew what she was thinking, as she had it put back up. Looking at it now, the Feng residence was still the Feng residence; however, it was extremely quiet inside. Autumn had just arrived, but the air was as cold as if it was a freezer.

Because of Xuan Tian Yan giving Feng Yu Heng a gift, Feng Fen Dai had begun arguing with him once more. It had to be said that Han shi had given birth to Fen Dai. Han shi was someone that had been raised in an arena of love, and she had a charming temperament. Even if she had a temper, it would just result in her quietly rolling her eyes. How could she even resemble Fen Dai's hysterics.

In the end, Fen Dai's temperament was more like Chen shi's. Watching her from a young age, she felt that Chen shi had bright prospects. From seeing her climb to the position of head wife, a "radiant" impression was left on the proud little girl's heart. As a result of this, she ended up learning a bit of her essence.

At this time, Feng Fen Dai was pointed at by the fifth prince, Xuan Tian Yan, and cursing: "Ever since the day that they got married, you have been sending gifts to the Yao family. Sending just one gift was not enough, and you actually needed to go and send another gift? Xuan Tian Yan! Have you also taken an interest in Feng Yu Heng?"

The fifth prince had already come to understand Fen Dai's personality. Seeing her unhappy expression, he knew that things would be difficult to deal with. He had originally planned to not argue with her. He would make concessions to avoid conflict. But when he heard her shout this sort of thing, he could not hold back and retorted: "Don't spout nonsense! Do you know what sort of outcome would come about if this sort of rumor got out?" He did not know about anyone else, but that ninth brother, Xuan Tian Ming, how could he not know him? It was fine to do anything, but one must not take an interest in Feng Yu Heng; otherwise, regardless of whether you were a brother or anything else, you would get hit by a whip. It would continue until not even your mother would recognize you.

But Feng Fen Dai would not listen to his advice. Not only did she not stop, but she became even more fierce: "What did I say? Also, what nonsense have I spouted? If you didn't have any feelings for that woman, how could you have specifically sent a set of ancient medical books as a gift? The other princes sent normal congratulatory gifts. It was only you that sent a gift for Feng Yu Heng specifically. If this isn't having ulterior motives, what is it? How about you give some ancient paintings or something like that? I heard that the eldest prince gave very common jewelry and an antique vase. Why is it that you alone were different from the others?"

There was nothing that Xuan Tian Yan could do, "How could I be that magnanimous? Do you know how much that chest of antiques cost? Even if I sold my Li Palace, it would not be enough. Also, the ancient medical books were things that I had obtained many years ago. Keeping them in my hands would be a waste. It would be better to get on someone's good terms by gifting it. After all, one is my younger brother, and the other is your elder sister."

"My ass! I don't have such an elder sister!" When speaking of Feng Yu Heng, Fen Dai could never remain calm. When she was on her own, she might be able to think about the past and reflect a bit, and she was even able to feel regret; however, she also knew that she had already reached this point on her path. She could no longer turn back, thus it would be better for her to fight to the end.

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