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A Frightening Thought

Xuan Tianmo was less than two years older than Xuan Tianming and could be considered as having been born just after Xuan Tianhua. His brothers were starting to settle the matter of their official princesses. Aside from old sixth, who had always been about his studies, and old seventh, who was always like a deity, even old fifth, who had been very far from decent in the past, was properly engaged. Yet only his Sheng Palace’s position of official princess had remained empty.

The eldest and second eldest both had children, and Xuan Feiyu was already that old. This made him feel a little emotional. It was also time for him to choose an official princess, but this position would be a little difficult to fill. It seemed as though nobody fit. Even the few times that he had tried to bring someone up, the attempts were thwarted by Feng Yuheng. First it was Fu Ya, then it was Zhu Kongshan… He very shamelessly pushed responsibility for the Zhu Kongshan incident on Feng Yuheng, stubbornly believing that all of his shortcomings were brought about by Feng Yuheng.

Well, since Feng Yuheng was the one who kept ruining things, he may as well just marry Feng Yuheng!

Once this thought came up, Xuan Tianmo became completely immersed in a manic state. It was as though he had suddenly opened a window and allowed all of the dejected feelings to be swept away. His gloomy expression also became a bit brighter.

Marrying Feng Yuheng! Right, marry Feng Yuheng! Xuan Tianmo thought that Imperial Concubine Li did not even care about the fact that Feng Yuheng had already been married and was doing everything possible to pair her with old sixth. That being the case, why would he not make the same choice? Feng Yuheng was a star of fortune for Da Shun. Not only was she famed amongst the people, but she also had her own abilities. Not to mention her abilities as a divine doctor, but she was also able to make something like steel. Only this sort of woman was worthy of assuming the position of empress!

Xuan Tianmo was filled with joy, as he was very satisfied with his sudden idea for filling the position of official princess. At the same time, he began to think. The only way to have Feng Yuheng become his woman was to first have Xuan Tianming die. “This is a difficult matter!” He muttered to himself then closed his eyes. While he began scheming, he thought that he should discuss this with his imperial concubine mother the next time that he went into the Imperial Palace.

These days, the inner palace was very lively. Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu being favored seemed to allow these members of the imperial harem to see some hope. Thus they all did their best to think of ways to get into Zhao He Hall. If not that, then they would send all manners of soups and supplements to Heavenly Hall. The drama that had been frozen for over 20 years began anew.

But the Emperor hardened his heart and only favored Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu. Whether it was Zhao He Hall or Heavenly Hall, aside from Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu, no other woman could get in. No matter what sort of things they were carrying, the Emperor would not even touch them.

Gradually, the people seemed to understand that going directly at the Emperor would not work. At present, the person whom they should curry favor with was Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu. But it was too hard to get to Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu. There were too many people visiting, and it was a common sight to see an entire room filled with people, each trying to get a word in. It looked as though they spent the majority of their day interacting with Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu, but they would only be able to say a word or two, and most were just empty words. After all, it was impossible to use hidden channels in front of so many people, right?

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now