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Soldiers Severely Injured

Feng Yu Heng felt that she might have chosen an incorrect time to meet Xuan Tian Ming. In that sort of environment, she was throwing stones at people, while he was in a precarious situation with his injured legs and completely soaked with blood. Their meeting was not sufficiently peaceful, thus their future meetings would never be peaceful. The present moment was an example. She would be leaving the capital the next day, and he would be heading toward the South to quell the chaos in the South not long after that. The two found a moment of peace in the chaos, and they finally managed to find a few moments of calm; however, this was suddenly shattered.

She helplessly lifted the curtain and exited the tent. Furrowing her brow, she urgently asked: “What happened behind the mountain?”

The soldier had a worried expression and said: “A comrade from the Divine Intent Army ran over with his face covered in blood. He said that something happened over there, and someone was injured. The doctor accompanying the army has been called over; however, that doctor said… that he was powerless to help.”

Xuan Tian Ming, who had come out after, felt his heart chill upon hearing this. He knew what Feng Yu Heng had arranged for the Divine Intent Army to train with in secret. He also knew just how dangerous those things were. The fear and damage that it could cause to the enemy could practically tilt an entire battle in one direction and lead to victory. With that sort of divine weapon, one side would not need too much manpower to defeat an opposing army numbering in the tens of thousands. also, that sort of victory would be decisive and from a distance. The enemy would be unable to defend against it, and they could not even understand it. He had once worried about that sort of explosive being quickly copied by the enemy, but Feng Yu Heng told him that he did not need to worry. That sort of thing was not something that could be easily copied because there were many things that were her own secrets. There were no other people that knew about it, and they could not even learn about it.

In truth, Xuan Tian Ming did not know what Feng Yu Heng truly meant. That was to say that there were many things that did not belong in this era. Even if this era used similar ratios for their explosives, they were completely unable to make firearms and ammunition that were comparable to the ones that she had.

He had personally seen the power of that sort of thing. It was very frightening. Now that a soldier of the Divine Intent Army had been injured, that meant that something had gone wrong during the training. Was it possible for someone that had been exploded to live? Grabbing Feng Yu Heng, they quickly headed toward the back of the mountain. At the same time, he asked the reporting soldier: “How many people were injured in total?” All of the members of the Divine Intent Army were handpicked by Feng Yu Heng. Not to mention a group of them being lost, but even a single one being lost was enough to cause some distress.

The soldier was also anxious to the point of tearing up, as he quickly replied: “Listening to the doctor, there should be no fewer than ten.”

No fewer than ten! Feng Yu Heng and Xuan Tian Ming exchanged a glance, and the two could see the sorrow and distress in the other’s eyes. But they did not say anything else. They just increased their pace until they left the center of the military camp. Xuan Tian Ming then retrieved a fast horse and rode with her, quickly heading toward the back of the mountain.

Wang Chuan and Huang Quan, who had been following behind them had also gone to fetch horses to continue chasing; however, they fell a short distance behind the two.

The two began to pull away from the people following them, as Feng Yu Heng pulled out her medicine kit from inside her space. She felt that she had some responsibility for the injuries suffered by the Divine Intent Army. After all, since taking out the modern weapons for use, she had only trained with them for under a day before leaving them to train on their own. This was truly a bit of forcing them to do something they were unwilling to do. But for it to happen at this critical moment when she was about to leave the capital for her fief, thinking about it, if she had remained in the military camp to provide them with additional instruction the soldiers would not have gotten injured with practicing on their own. For their faces to be covered in blood, it was definitely not damage done by a gun. Was it a grenade or landmine? Precisely how many people were nearby when the blast went off? The army’s doctor said that he could not treat it, so precisely what was the severity of the injuries?

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now