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She Is Feng Yu Heng and Cannot Be Replaced!

Xuan Tian Hua had always been measured in his actions, and he would not appear in the backyard of this large residence of his own choice, nor would he willingly come to visit a newly-wed bride. When Feng Yu Heng saw him, he immediately said: “Ming’er told me to tell you that he would be staying in the front yard to keep them company for a while longer.”

Feng Yu Heng nodded and did not delve into the matter. She just walked out of her room and received the platter that Wang Chuan had brought over, placing it on the table in the yard. She personally poured two cups of tea then handed one cup to Xuan Tian Hua: “Seventh brother, drink some tea.”

Xuan Tian Hua faintly smiled and received it, downing it in a single gulp. Feng Yu Heng laughed at him and said: “We’re drinking tea, not wine. What are you so anxious for?” After saying this, she poured another cup.

This time, Xuan Tian Hua did not drink and only held it. While staring at her, his forehead faintly twitched. It was not conspicuous; however, Feng Yu Heng was still able to notice it. It was just that she did not say anything. She understood Xuan Tian Hua’s feelings; however, she never exposed them.

“Seventh brother came a long distance. A-Heng thanks seventh brother.” She partially lowered her head, her voice carrying a hint of grief. Ever since she had come to this world, Xuan Tian Ming had been the only one in her heart, but if it came to the one she was distressed over, it would be Xuan Tian Hua alone. For some reason, this person that was like a deity would always be able to arouse a feeling of sorrow. She did not know what the source of this was. This person was clearly someone that looked pure like a spring breeze. Why was it that would always feel this uncontrollable sorrow? “When did seventh brother arrive?”

Xuan Tian Hua said: “Yesterday.”

“Oh, yesterday.” She thought to herself, yesterday, she had been working in Hundred Herb Hall and treating patients and had not heard about a group of carriages passing through Lan Zhou. Xuan Tian Hua had definitely come with Xuan Tian Ge’s group. With so many people, Lan Zhou City should not have been without any information, right?

“We went around the city and did not go through Lan Zhou. Ming’er said that he wanted to give you a surprise… A-Heng, seventh brother will preside over your wedding tomorrow.” When he called her name, his voice slightly trembled.

Presiding over a wedding, the seventh prince, Xuan Tian Hua, could not be more suited for such a thing. Feng Yu Heng revealed a smile, “Thank you, seventh brother.”

“You’ve thanked me twice. What is the need for such courtesy between us?” Xuan Tian Hua looked at her and could never bring himself to retract his gaze. He advised himself a few times that he should return to the front yard; however, he could not bring himself to move. He would treat it as sending her off one last time. To put it in a different way, being able to see this girl prosper was what he desired most. “Ming’er will treat you very well. Don’t worry and follow him!” This was the final thing that he said before turning and leaving the yard without stopping.

Feng Yu Heng stood in the middle of the yard for a long time, only recovering when Wang Chuan came over to call her. Wang Chuan’s brow was furrowed, as she faintly sighed, but she did not say much. It was not hard for her to see what the seventh prince felt, but what could be done about it? In this world, there was a matter of who came first and who came later. The order in which one appeared had been arranged by the heavens. If the positions were changed, it would be completely different. No matter how good His Highness the seventh prince was, he was still a step later than His Highness the ninth prince.

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