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Heng Heng Becomes of Age

The two cities in the desert were occupied by the Southern Army, causing the cities’ defenses and management to improve by a large margin. Most importantly, Xuan Tian Ming was able to discover some people with talents, whom he promoted to fill the empty positions. The soldiers of the Southern Army had been put to use and no longer felt like useless people. They also no longer felt like worthless soldiers discarded by the ninth prince. They all worked very hard and had already forgotten that they had once followed the eighth prince for as long as they had.

It was just that easy to win over people’s hearts. A shock from his powerful martial arts combined with providing them with better treatment than they had received from their previous master. When it came to this, Xuan Tian Ming worked diligently and was not reserved.

As for Feng Yu Heng, she had returned to Lan Zhou to begin building a proper Hundred Herb Hall. Wang Lin had also sent a group of doctors and nurses. She kept the majority then sent a small portion over to Sha Ping City and Jue Ping City.

Lan Zhou’s Hundred Herb Hall was also built to the same scale as the one in the capital. At the same time, a wide range of medical services was provided. There were even different registration windows for commoners and soldiers. Injured soldiers from the frontline that came here for treatment would naturally have a special window to provide them with priority treatment. As for commoners, they would usually go by the commoner’s registration window. Everything was very orderly.

The citizens of Lan Zhou were very welcoming of this. In addition to this, once this Hundred Herb Hall opened, Feng Yu Heng placed her Chinese and Western medicines onto the shelves. Medicinal herbs were still sold, and the payment methods for the commoners remained the same as in the capital. At the same time, some herbal teas to ease the heat were also sold, and they were very warmly received by the madams and young misses of many families.

As for Feng Yu Heng herself, as long as she was in Lan Zhou, she would always head over when she had nothing else to do. Whenever there were doctors that were facing difficult illnesses, she would personally take over. In just a few days time, she had saved quite a few people that had been previously thought beyond salvation.

Because there had been Fu Ya’s fake Hundred Herb Hall before, the people had finally been able to experience an authentic Hundred Herb Hall’s magnificence. Comparing the two, the difference was too great. It was such that Feng Yu Heng’s image instantly improved in the eyes of the civilians, and some even said: “His Highness the ninth prince is a god of war, and Imperial Daughter Ji An is a Bodhisattva!”

Feng Yu Heng did not care about any Bodhisattva, but she opened a Hundred Herb Hall to install her own information network in this area and, more importantly, to capture the hearts of all. At present, they were being captured, and this allowed her to let out a bit of a sigh of relief. After all, the eighth prince had been stationed here for many years. If she could not provide any material benefits, capturing their hearts might truly be difficult! Even now, there would definitely still be some that stood on old eighth’s side, but they would be few and far between, thus she did not mind it too much.

It was just that Huang Quan and Wang Chuan were a bit unsteady the past few days. Although they had been at her side, they were consistently absent-minded. This day, when Huang Quan accidentally knocked over a box of medicine, Feng Yu Heng was finally unable to hold back and asked: “Why exactly are the two of you in such a trance?”

The two servants exchanged a glance and let out a sigh. Wang Chuan then said: “Young Miss, in another five days, it will be your birthday. This year, you will be turning 15, thus your birthday has a different meaning.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now