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A Truly Unforgettable Wedding Night

When Gu Shu’s people rushed to Jue Ping City’s southern military camp, Feng Yu Heng was leaning against Xuan Tian Ming. Casually twirling his hair, she laughed so hard that her belly hurt: “It seems as though it’s always men that play with women’s hair, but look, you’ve kept your hair long. How could anyone stop themselves from doing anything!”

Xuan Tian Ming never did have much resistance against this wife. Today was their wedding, and they had drank a bit of wine. There were some thoughts that had begun to surface in his mind, but he needed to hold them in because it was certain that Gu Shu would attack on this night. This was something that they had determined since long ago. They could not neglect this important matter because they had been enjoying their time in the bridal chamber. Thus he held his wife and said: “Tonight, I will spare you, but you have already married me. Sooner or later, you won’t be able to get away from my grasp.”

Of course, Feng Yu Heng knew what these words meant, and she could not stop herself from blushing; however, she put in some effort for herself: “That uh, I’m still only 15. In truth, this age is not suited for consummating. A girl’s body has not finished growing.”

“Some people get married at 15 and become mothers at 16. How have they not matured?” Xuan Tian Ming was puzzled, “You’ve said this before, but in this world, isn’t it like this everywhere?”

Feng Yu Heng knew that this was not something that the people of the ancient world would understand, but she was mentally mature, and she had trained in martial arts. Compared to the other fragile girls, she was far stronger. She understood at heart that if they consummated the marriage, it truly would not be a problem. Thinking of this, she did not continue to feel conflicted on this matter. She just tugged Xuan Tian Ming’s hair and watched him grimace in pain. Only then did she express her satisfaction.

Xuan Tian Ming felt very helpless! “When other girls get married, they’re all extremely bashful. My wife really is unique and looks completely fine. I say, did you remember that today was our wedding? And right now is when we should be enjoying our wedding night?”

“When have I not remembered?!” The girl lost it. Rolling over, she shifted to her knees and sat down in front of him, saying: “Aren’t we in a unique situation! Listen, doesn’t it sound like there’s something wrong outside?”

With her saying this, Xuan Tian Ming really perked up. When an army attacked a city in the desert, the sounds would not travel quite as far as in the central region; however, the sounds of shouting and fighting had already reached Jue Ping City. His eyes lit up: “The people from Gu Shu have come!”

“Unfortunately, they won’t be able to get within a step of the walls.” Feng Yu Heng stood up with a smile then slowly put on her shoes.

“Not just the wall, but even the military camp will be impossible to approach!” As Xuan Tian Ming spoke, he looked at the bright-red wedding dress that she had not yet taken off. He then looked down at his own red robes and could not help but ask: “What? Are we just going to fight on the battlefield like this?”

“Is it no good?” Feng Yu Heng put on a cunning smile, “Tonight is our wedding night. The people of Gu Shu didn’t care for it and chose this sort of time to cause trouble. Perhaps they’ve forgotten what day today is. Then we’ll remind them. While we’re at it, we’ll teach them how to be proper people.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now