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Scandal Exposed to the World

Such a huge scandal had occurred in the Zhu family. Although Zhu Xinjie wanted to do everything possible to keep it suppressed and kept in the manor, word of this matter had somehow spread throughout the entirety of Peng Zhou within two days.

Zhu Xinjie no longer had the face to even go outside. He felt as though there was always a group following along behind him, using him as the butt of their jokes. He regretted not killing off all of the servants who were savvy to the situation. But in the end, he was just a sixth rank official, and his family did not have that much power, nor did it have the money to raise a large number of servants that could be killed. As for those that could not be killed, if they died in his manor, the government office would begin investigating for blame.

He felt dejected and fell sick within a few days. While sick, he remained hidden for a few days. Just as he regained a bit of strength and could get out of bed, the first thing that he did was pick up a whip and rush to the firewood storage where Liu shi was living. There, he gave Liu shi a fierce beating.

Liu shi was whipped until her face was bleeding, and her life was shortened by quite a bit; however, she continued to shout about how she was the aunt of princes, and that the Zhu family would suffer retribution after treating her like this.

Zhu Xinjie grew tired from whipping her and was advised by the head madam to continue lying down. The head madam saw him repeatedly sighing, thus she said to him: “Husband, as this wife sees it, this matter being spread is a good thing.” Seeing that Zhu Xinjie was glaring at her, she quickly added: “Husband, don’t be in such a rush to get agitated and listen to this wife analyze it for you. If we do all that we can to suppress this, there will come a day when the capital will receive this news. When that time comes, that third girl will add fuel to the fire with her cousin, a prince, and her aunts, members of the imperial harem. They will definitely support Liu shi. When that time comes, no matter how dejected you might feel, you will need to act as if nothing happened and let Liu shi out of the firewood storage room. But if things are like the letter from the capital said, the third girl is not thinking of our family in the slightest. If you want to seek promotion through that route, it’s just not possible. When that time comes, there will be no promotion, and there will be no wealth. The family will also need to support Liu shi. That would truly be depressing. But now, things are different. Everyone knows about this matter, and even if they are from the imperial family, they cannot go against public opinion and shield her.”

Zhu Xinjie disagreed and said: “So what if they don’t shield her? Based on my understanding of the Liu family, they will not choose to sacrifice family relations for the sake of righteousness. Liu shi will still need to be left to live happily.”

“But we can discuss conditions with them! Either cast away the wife or let the Liu family or the ones in the capital show some good faith. It must be known that once our Zhu family casts out a wife, that third girl’s future will also be doomed. Would the eighth prince want an official princess, whose birth mother was cast out?”

The head madam’s words reminded Zhu Xinjie, and he nodded repeatedly upon hearing them: “Right, we can’t suffer this loss for nothing. The capital also can’t use our daughter for free. They need to provide the Zhu family with some benefits. Wife, what sort of reparations should we demand?”

The head madam thought for a bit and said: “Of course, it’s husband’s position. Only with your rank being improved can husband’s financial situation improve. Only like that can our Zhu family also see an improvement.” She thought to herself that once the Zhu family saw an improvement, her family’s business would also improve. At that time, doing business with the imperial family and earning money from the imperial family would be a great situation.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now