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Deity of Medicine Imperial Daughter’s Temple

It had to be said that the eighth prince, Xuan Tian Mo, was also someone that was able to let things go. He definitely would not be like the late third prince, Xuan Tian Ye, and get even angrier, placing himself in a dead end. Xuan Tian Mo was very adaptable, and he was very good at pivoting, as he quickly calculated this matter in his mind: Since I am already kneeling, I can’t kneel for nothing, and I must not lose face without gaining a single benefit. At the very least, he needed to change the image that the citizens had of him.

Thus he put aside his image and put on a very sincere image of apologizing. At the same time, he pushed the responsibility on the Persian doctor, causing the citizens to feel as if there was no other alternative. He then went to the governor’s office and received his 100 strikes. In the end, his body was left battered and bloody, and not even the citizens could bear to continue watching. They all left and expressed that they would not continue to pursue this matter. As for the execution of the Persian, it was set for three days later, and this would be enough for the people.

It was just that through this matter, the people of the capital began to miss Feng Yu Heng even more, especially whenever someone fell ill. They began to reminisce about the time that Hundred Herb Hall was still around because Hundred Herb Hall did not just sell medical pills and tablets to the wealthy. It also provided a certain level of service to normal citizens. Those that could not afford to buy medicine could agree to the debt. As for how it would be repaid, there were two options. One was to repay the amount within a set period of time, and the second was to provide manual labor. It would be stuff like helping out in Hundred Herb Hall or with Feng Yu Heng’s other businesses.

The majority of the citizens chose manual labor, and a large number of people were sent to the outskirts of the capital to help with reclamation projects and planting medicinal herbs. As things continued, there were some that willingly stayed over there. After repaying their debts, they would begin their jobs officially, and they could earn some more salary. When working for Feng Yu Heng, there was never a moment when salaries were cut, and there would be gifts of fish, meat or eggs during the holidays. To the wealthy families, this was not worth much, but to the people that would earn three taels of silver for their work, it was an extremely big help. Moreover, anyone working for Feng Yu Heng’s businesses would see even more benefits when being treated at Hundred Herb Hall. Even their families would benefit.

Aside from this, the fragments of the medicine would also be used for common supplements. There were some for improving constitution and some for recovering from colds and fevers. During the Winter, there were some for dispelling the cold, and there were some for dealing with the heat of Summer. Because they were made using scattered fragments, they were not recorded and would be given to the people that needed them for free. Everyone knew that Hundred Herb Hall’s medicine was the best. Even if the fragments would be a little worse in terms of appearance, the medical effect would be the same. That was why even more people that could not afford medicine would receive some of these freebies, and they could recover quite a bit from their symptoms.

The people thought of these things pleasantly, and they would feel that Imperial Daughter Ji An was like a medical Bodhisattva. When they then thought of this Bodhisattva being chased way by those shitty officials and the eighth prince, the people began to wipe away tears. Later on, someone suggested that they raise some funds to build a statue of Imperial Daughter Ji An and send it to a temple.

After this news reached the wealthy families, they supported this fully because they had also been recipients of Imperial Daughter Ji An’s grace. There were also quite a few second and third rank officials whose families had been treated by Hundred Herb Hall’s magnificent medical techniques. Without Hundred Herb Hall’s medical techniques, their family members would not have survived. Thus the wealthy people of the capital provided the money, and the poor people provided the labor. Not only did they carve a statue of Imperial Daughter Ji An, but they built a temple for the deity of medicine in the capital to worship her specifically.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now