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The Impudent Teng Family

“The Teng family sure has a grand plan!” Huang Quan sighed, “Do they really think that the land belongs to their family? It’s given away just like that?”

Feng Yu Heng did not have many conflicting feelings about this and said with a smile: “This is a good thing! There’s no need for us to take care of it. The Teng family has already carried out the work of finding merchants. They have also succeeded in attracting clients. Now, not only are there merchants, but there are also people buying things. There are both people and merchandise. How great is that. Lord Qian, over the last half a year, has that area been very lively?”

Qian Feng Shou nodded, “Indeed, as a result of the conditions put out by the Teng family, there have been too many people. Quite a few people have gone toward the fief. This lowly official also went over there at the beginning of the year. There are many merchants, and there are more than twice as many houses compared to before.”

Feng Yu Heng sighed with emotion once more: “Very good! This has saved me the need to reclaim the wasteland.”

Qian Feng Shou was a bit worried, “Imperial Daughter, do not underestimate the Teng family. Starting from the founding ancestor’s generation, the Teng family has been the prefecture guardian. That position is hereditary. After so many generations of management, the current Teng family has quite a bit of influence in Yun Province. It could be said that they are already deeply rooted, and there are practically no people that can move them. Even the prefect of Yun Province needs to give them a bit of face. All of this is because the Teng family has a personal army nearing one thousand troops! These troops live, train and protect the Teng family in the fief.”

“Nearing one thousand troops in a personal army?” Feng Yu Heng frowned and was extremely puzzled, “The fief does have the right to raise a personal army, but that’s just for the owner of the fief. Does the Teng family have this right?”

“Naturally, they don’t, but because Ji An Prefecture was never awarded, the Teng family’s influence gradually grew. After you were conferred the fief, the Teng family did indeed begin to plan for it, but after they heard that the one conferred this land was just… a young girl, they did not take it to heart.” Qian Feng Shou was truly helpless, “Imperial Daughter, do you wish to take back the fief on this visit? Thinking about it, it won’t be an easy matter. You will need to deal with the Teng family!”

Feng Yu Heng pondered for a long time, and she had some ideas in mind, thus she did not stay for long. The excuse was that the journey was long and the carriages required maintenance. Bidding farewell to Qian Feng Shou, she returned to the courtyard.

The troops that she had brought back set up camp around the courtyard. Qian Feng Shou had also put in some work, sending away the residences that were in the area near the courtyard, opening up the residences for these soldiers. The housekeeper of the manor told her: “Imperial Daughter, don’t worry. The citizens were willing to do it. We in Yu Zhou heard about your greatness long ago. Hearing that you came, the people were very happy. Especially when they heard that you will be taking back Ji An Prefecture, they were even more willing to cooperate. Also, my Lord also provided them with a place to stay, booking many inns. Imperial Daughter can be at ease.”

“Oh?” Feng Yu Heng asked the housekeeper while heading toward the courtyard: “Why would the citizens be happy to hear that I will be taking back Ji An Prefecture? Does the person governing Ji An Prefecture affect the citizens of Yu Zhou?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now