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Imperial Daughter Heads South

News from the capital very quickly reached Ji An Prefecture. The case involving the mine was related to the eighth prince, and it was not that easy to try, but the matter of transporting military supplies had been handed over to the second prince, Xuan Tian Ling. This allowed her to let out a sigh of relief.

Although the eighth prince’s faction would not remain inactive in the background, they could only try to cause trouble along the way. It would not be to the point of completely cutting off the supply chain, nor would it be as easy as just hoarding it all.

But Feng Yu Heng still needed to go South. She had received a letter from Xuan Tian Ming by eagle, and she knew that the first battle had been concluded very beautifully. At the same time, a large amount of ammunition had been expended. She needed to go and replenish the supplies. The more the battle extended forward, the more difficult it became to acclimate for the soldiers from Da Shun. She felt that preparing a large amount of ammunition beforehand was a good display of foresight. The reason that Da Shun did not have much of a way of dealing with Gu Shu over the years was the most important reason; the soldiers of Da Shun were not suited to fighting in that sort of climate.

The heat could not compare to the cold. No matter how cold Qian Zhou became, one could just put on more clothes, but in the desert, even if one stripped completely, they would still feel hot. Not to mention the idea of going to fight a battle, it was truly too unbearable.

She began to prepare in Ji An Prefecture. The main arrangements were instructions for what needed to be done after she left. Fortunately, the sixth prince would be present to take charge, thus she simply handed over management duties for the prefecture and the mine to the sixth prince. The matters in the manor would also be left to Xu shi and Qin shi. The shops outside were handed to Xiang Rong and Bai Fu Rong.

The girls did not have any objections, but the sixth prince said with a very helpless expression: “I fled from the capital to Ji An Prefecture, but I still could not get away from these things. Younger sister, you need to return quickly. Not to hide it from you, but sixth brother is not suited to such things.”

The two had interacted more, and Feng Yu Heng had gained more of an understanding of the sixth prince as a person. She knew that Xuan Tian Feng was telling the truth, thus she felt embarrassed and said: “I don’t have any other choice. Sixth prince, be a bit more magnanimous! You also saw it. I truly don’t have many people available, and I would feel uneasy if I did not go to the South. Feng Jin Yuan has also set up a fake imperial daughter in Lan Zhou to cause trouble. Add in the battles in the desert, and Xuan Tian Ming’s letter mentioning the heat. I fear that if I do not go, it will be very difficult for them to advance.”

Xuan Tian Feng was merely voicing his complaints. In truth, he naturally understood the reasoning behind this, and he had already prepared himself for Feng Yu Heng leaving Ji An Prefecture at any time. He told Feng Yu Heng: “Don’t worry about it and go! No matter how unskilled I am at it, I am still a prince. Thinking about it, there won’t be anyone that would dare to openly cause trouble for me. Moreover, isn’t there still Qian Feng Shou! The battle in the South is more important, but you must be careful on your journey over there. Even if a tiger has a tooth pulled out, it still has many others left. It’s impossible to completely be rid of it in a single move. It’s probable that there will be people out to set traps for you along the way. Be vigilant.”

Feng Yu Heng nodded seriously and handed over the seal for Ji An Prefecture to Xuan Tian Feng. Xuan Tian Feng then promised her once more: “When you return, it will be returned to you in the same condition.”

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