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Beg Imperial Daughter to Support Us!

The incident was a result of the troops that had been stationed outside of the young woman’s house. They were responsible for the prefecture guard’s nephew, but after standing guard outside, they found that there was not a single sound that came from inside. This was not the nephew’s usual style. Fearing that something had happened, they went inside to investigate; however, they found that the inside of the room only had an unconscious young woman. There was not a single sight of the man in brocade.

These people were extremely frightened, but the young woman would not wake up no matter how they shook her. It was clear that she had been given a drug. They quickly went into the streets to search, but they ended up back in front of the prefecture guard’s manor.

But Feng Yu Heng did not bother paying any attention to them. Either way, this would just be one night. The prefecture guard’s manor would be extremely lively the next morning. When that time came, perhaps there would not be a single person left that cared whether the nephew was alive or dead. Everyone’s focus would be placed on Teng Ping’s side. If Teng Ping wished to live, he could only go to look for her.

The night was spent investigating Ji An Prefecture. When they returned to their residence in Yu Zhou, the sky was starting to lighten up. Feng Yu Heng quickly washed up then climbed in bed to catch up on sleep. Xiang Rong was still in a deep sleep, and she did not even realize that her second sister had returned.

Feng Yu Heng got out of bed after noon. She washed up and ate before acting, bringing her younger sister and their three maidservants, along with the head of the soldiers that they had found, Li Zhu, out to wander the streets. The busiest street in Yu Zhou had a Hundred Herb Hall that belonged to her. Early in the morning, Wang Lin had already brought two of the doctors from the capital to this side, and they very quickly dove into the management of Yu Zhou’s Hundred Herb Hall.

All Hundred Herb Halls only recognized one master, and that master was Imperial Daughter Ji An, Feng Yu Heng. As for Wang Lin, he was the shopkeeper of the capital. At the same time, he also managed the accounts for the other provinces. Of course, Qing Yu would also do some investigating, but she did not pay as close attention as Wang Lin did.

The citizens of Yu Zhou heard that doctors had come from the capital, and everyone was very happy. They were also very intrigued. Everyone said that the doctors in the capital were famed for their medicine, especially the capital’s Hundred Herb Hall. The abilities that the doctors had were all personally taught to them by Imperial Daughter Ji An and her grandfather, Divine Doctor Yao Xian. If they could have this sort of doctor examining them in Yu Zhou, it would be an extremely great thing for the people of Yu Zhou.

Many people came to admire these people. Starting in the morning, a long line began to form. The people were not even willing to leave when noon came around. The people that sold snacks and similar things were very good at running their businesses, as they began to move around the line. Those that were unwilling to leave would buy some food from them to fill their bellies.

Every era was the same. Medical clinics and hospitals were the best businesses. People could choose to not eat well, but when people got sick, they needed medicine. No matter how poor the person, they would need to save some money for medicine. They could not just watch as their relatives died. Feng Yu Heng thought of the hospitals from the 21st century, and the entrance to the hospital would always have a traffic problem. No matter how many parking spots were opened up by the hospital, they would always be filled. No matter how many overnight care facilities were built, they would always be nearing capacity. Those that needed to visit the hospital to be examined would get up very early to line up and claim a number. It might be that some examinations could not even be done on the same day. Everyone said that opening a hospital would result in a huge profit, and this was totally true. It was indeed a huge profit.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now