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Most Troubling Specialty Soldiers

She had been attacked without any warning signs, yet Feng Yu Heng believed that she had already been very cautious. Upon entering the mountain pass, she had already begun paying attention to the small movements all around, especially after the peasant family had mentioned the bandits. But she did not notice anything that seemed off. But now, an enemy attack had suddenly come, and it had come ferociously, nearly catching her out. This meant that the enemy had come prepared, and they were experts among experts.

“Everyone, be careful! Those that don’t know martial arts, get inside the carriages!” She shouted then pulled out her whip and swung it at a person that was rushing over in black clothes. With a crack, the whip came up empty, but the opposition had retreated numerous steps and could not gain and advantage.

Wang Chuan and Huang Quan pulled out their personal weapons, and the hidden guards also began to form a protective circle around her. She, however, did not like this fighting method. She was not weak, and she was not accustomed to being protected. This sort of method would affect her ability to fight. Ban Zou understood her. Upon seeing that his master revealed a look of annoyance, he quickly called for the hidden guards to move aside to ensure that she could enjoy the thrill of killing. Another hidden guard picked up Xiang Rong and the maidservant, Shan Cha, then quickly threw them into that peasant family’s yard.

Xiang Rong knew that the situation was too serious and that she would be a burden if she stayed, thus she quickly brought Shan Cha into a hiding place in the yard. Fortunately, the group of people in black clothes that had suddenly appeared were only targeting Feng Yu Heng. There were roughly ten people, and they were all holding longswords. They worked as one to attack Feng Yu Heng while ignoring all of the others.

The hidden guards saw this and understood the situation, going forth to deal with the enemy. Feng Yu Heng did not have an easy fight. Although her hidden guards and two maidservants fought back attacks as they came, the desperate manner in which those people fought was very troubling. There were a total of 14 people that had her as their target. Their gazes were cold, as they were willing to trade life for life. They did not care if their bodies had already been riddled with holes by the hidden guards. Their sword techniques were very fierce, and they were extremely fast. It was as though they were robots. They did not care about pain and they did not care about surviving. As long as they could take her life, it was fine.

The whip in Feng Yu Heng’s hand created a strong gust of wind. She had not exercised her body for too long, and she felt that if she did not exercise soon, she would have begun growing rusty. This sort of joyous and carefree fight was something that she had not experienced for a long time. Feng Yu Heng suddenly felt a bit thankful for these people in black. She had once again found the feeling of being in the ancient world. Otherwise, a peaceful life where she only mouthed off would cause her to feel disoriented and leave her feeling uncertain about where she was.

“Who are you people?” During the fight, Huang Quan did not forget to communicate with the opposition. Unfortunately, they did not respond.

Feng Yu Heng advised her: “Don’t ask. It’s clear that it’s a group of specialty soldiers*. It’s too difficult to get anything out of them, but…” She squinted her eyes and suddenly used her internal strength. Facing a person in black clothes that had almost reached her, she turned the snake-like whip into something like a sword and stabbed toward that person’s throat. That person dodged and managed to avoid the danger, but the whip that had become a “sharp sword” still pierced through his chest. At the same time, Feng Yu Heng continued her unfinished sentence: “But is there any need to ask who these people are? Eighth brother really is polite. Fearing that this imperial daughter would be bored on my journey, he specially sent so many brothers to spar with this imperial daughter. Don’t worry, this imperial daughter will accept all of eighth brother’s concern. I will also remember to leave one alive to pass along my message of thanks to eighth brother.” After she said this, the “long sword” in her hand rotated, opening up the bloody hole in that person’s flesh. The hole reached his heart, and that person let out a dull groan before falling to the ground, dead.

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