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Da Shun Does Not Want Things That Do Not Belong to Humans

Xuan Tian Ming was in a decent mood. First, most of the soldiers had been able to recover from heatstroke. They had gotten through the most trying days. They gradually began to grow accustomed to the atmosphere. Second, Sha Ping City’s citizens were very welcoming of Da Shun. Up to this point, not a single person wanting to cause trouble could be found. On the contrary, they were getting along very well with the soldiers from Da Shun. Sha Ping City had already returned to normal. The shops were opening once more, and the people would go out and buy their food or wander idly. It was the exact same as before. It was as though the battle from many days earlier had never occurred. It was a very comforting thing.

With him being in a good mood, he was in the mood to speak a bit more with Jiang Xuan. Thus he raised his hand and had the two soldiers stop dragging him out temporarily and said: “The hearts of the 300 thousand troops? Why would this prince want that? The hearts of those that follow old eighth, even if I managed to get them, I would be unable to feel at ease. Who knows when they will cause trouble for me. Just like you, instead of obediently staying in the South, you came to make this prince angry. Gu Shu’s 500 thousand troops have already been chased back to Jue Ping City. This prince would not mind also chasing off the 300 thousand of you. Remember this, in this prince’s eyes, there are only two types of people. Those that are with me and the other type… isn’t it just you! You want to set up traps for this prince, but there won’t be such a possibility later on in life! Don’t think that this prince doesn’t know about how you passed along information about the movements on this side to Gu Shu. This prince just has not had the time to take care of you lot. People that help the enemy and betray the country, Da Shun does not want them!”

When he finished speaking, he let out a cold snort then said to the two soldiers: “Since Deputy General Jian does not wish to return to the capital, just lock him up. When all of the people that have betrayed the country in the Southern Army have been found, they will all be handled together. Or perhaps…” He put on a wicked smile, “If Deputy General Jiang wishes to reduce the sentence for your crimes, this prince welcomes your report.” After he finished speaking, he waved his hand. No matter how much Jiang Xuan screamed, he was ignored. It was only after Jiang Xuan was dragged away that the inside of the tent was quiet once more. Only then did he say to Xi Fang: “Have someone head to the Southern Army to investigate. It’s impossible that all 300 thousand of them are of the same mind as him. There is definitely someone there that is taking the lead to cause trouble. Capture those people. As for the rest, give them a choice, but you must remember that the Southern Army is independent. Not a single one is permitted to mingle with our army.”

Xi Fang received the order and went to carry it out.

Song Kang had roughly finished with messing around with the needle and muttered to himself: “Master already said it that the people on the eighth prince’s side all have wicked ambitions. Those that get captured… how about leaving them for me as living test subjects!” Song Kang had heard about some surgeries that involved transplanting internal organs, and he was very interested. He had already mentioned to Xuan Tian Ming about using some of the prisoners of war from Gu Shu.

But his description of the surgery had been too bloody. Even Xuan Tian Ming furrowed his brow when listening to it and never agreed. But when Song Kang mentioned it this time, he nodded and said: “That’s fine. The people from Gu Shu are from Gu Shu, after all. They fought for their own country, and this cannot be blamed on them. But there are some people that are my own Da Shun’s citizens, yet they go in the wrong direction. They should not blame this prince for treating them as beasts. This prince promises you that when those who are responsible have been caught, they will all be sent to you. You can do as you like with them!”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now