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Filing a Report

The Sheng Palace having been robbed was not something that many people knew about. The eighth prince had always believed that it was his own servants that had stolen the things that they had been entrusted with. With a spy appearing in his palace, wave after wave of people had been killed.

But it was only after the homes of countless officials and even the bank’s vault had been emptied out that he found out that he had done something beyond stupid- he had killed the wrong people! But could it be that there really was a “divine thief of the shadows”? Someone that was so supreme that not even his counter to hidden guards could not discover them? Could they be so supreme that they could sneak so many chests out of the Sheng Palace?

Even if the eighth prince died, he would not believe it!

He maintained a certain suspicious attitude toward the divine thief of the shadows. After remaining calm for another four hours, he began another round of killing. He also developed a new view on the matter with the officials and the bank. All of this was the result of his advisor saying: “Your Highness, have you investigated this list of names carefully?” While speaking, he handed over a long piece of paper. At the same time, he explained to the eighth prince: “They’re all members of Your Highness’ faction. They all lost their manor’s wealth. Your Highness must deliberate on this matter carefully.”

Xuan Tian Mo did not react immediately and only said with a heavy expression: “That just shows that the thief is someone that opposes me. It can’t be some divine thief of the shadows from Jiang Hu. This should be some sort of careful plot with the goal of cutting off my support.”

The advisor heavily shook his head, “Your Highness, think about it from a different angle.”

Xuan Tian Mo tightly furrowed his brow, from a different angle? The advisor’s words seemed to have opened a window for him, as Xuan Tian Mo suddenly recalled that he had secretly gathered these officials shortly after returning to the capital. He was intending to raise personal soldiers in the South and needed a large amount of financial support. Although his faction’s support was not of high rank, each family had found their own way of making money with his support. They were just waiting for the day that he would need this money, and they would be able to bring it out.

At that time, there was not a single person that refused. After all, the source of their income was reliant on the eighth prince. Everyone had an understanding in their hearts that the day would eventually come. At the time, they were still quite happy; otherwise, those officials would not have taken such a big risk during the banquet to oppose Feng Yu Heng, and it had obtained such a great result. But all of this was just on the surface. After all, those people had not turned over their wealth. The day of the handover was set for the 15th of the first month. As a result, this sort of thing ended up happening. Could it be… “You mean to say that they are collaborating?” He asked the advisor, “For the sake of not handing over this money, they lied and said that it was stolen?”

The advisor declined to comment, “Your Highness is very correct. There is no shortage of bold people in this world, but just having daring is not enough. For so many to have been robbed in a single night? When it comes to just the money in the bank, how many carts would that require? But if a procession of carriages was used, that could not have gone without notice.”

Xuan Tian Mo felt that his advisor was quite rational, thus he assumed that it was definitely those people that were reluctant to hand over their wealth and had used this plot against him. But he could not act with undue haste. He needed to observe this matter for a few more days. After all, the Sheng Palace had also lost things in quite a strange manner. It seemed that the methods used were the exact same as what had happened to those officials. He could kill all of the servants in his palace to prevent future trouble; however, he could not kill that many officials all at once.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now