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Speaking of beauties, there was no shortage of them in the Imperial Palace. From the Empress at the top to the members of the imperial harem down at the bottom, which one of them was not a beauty? Although they had all entered the Imperial Palace over 20 years earlier, and they were no longer young, but while their youth had faded, their beauty still remained. In addition to this, they did a good job of preserving themselves, and they all looked quite beautiful.

Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful they were, they could not actually shock anyone, nor would they be considered extremely beautiful. The only one worthy of this description in the palace would be Feng Zhaolian.

Ever since the previous visit to the Imperial Palace, this person has continued to remain. The Empress understood very clearly what his situation was and what he was doing, but with Feng Yuheng’s face to be considered and the Emperor not saying anything, she could not chase him out. She could only endure and allow this person to wander around the Imperial Palace. This ended up becoming a sight to see, enticing the bored members of the imperial harem into come over for the sake of seeing Feng Zhaolian a little more and admire his beauty.

The one that Talented Lady Liu and Yue Xiu had bumped into was Feng Zhaolian who had just returned from a walk. This person loved the color red and was clearly standing there. Talented Lady Liu felt that the person standing before her was a wicked ghost. Although this person was exceedingly beautiful, he was also extremely frightening. Especially the things that Feng Zhaolian had said. What did he mean by she had the smell of a corpse on her?

Talented Lady Liu asked him: “What do your words mean?”

“You don’t understand?” Feng Zhaolian curved up the corners of his lips and smiled, “I smell the scent of a corpse coming from your body. Thinking about it, you won’t be able to survive for long. Imperial Concubine Yuan, Noble Lady Yuan, Talented Lady Liu, looking at what you’ve done, you don’t see to be particularly tired.”

After saying all of this, Feng Zhaolian did not even look at her before leaving and going back into the main hall of Jing Ci Palace. He then shouted: “Your Highness the Empress, I saw a person on the brink of death outside this hall. She had the smell of a corpse on her. It smelled so bad.”

Talented Lady Liu trembled with anger and wanted to run back inside to argue with Feng Zhaolian a little more; however, she was stopped by Yue Xiu: “Master, it’s better to have one fewer problem than one more problem. There’s no need for us to argue with that sort of person.”

Talented Lady Liu took a deep breath and finally managed to remember that she had somewhere else to visit. It was only thanks to this that was she willing to listen to Yue Xiu’s advice and avoid arguing with him. Turning around, she pulled Yue Xiu along and went toward the condemned cell.

She wanted to see her son. She had heard that the place where he was held had terrible conditions. In the past, there were many who passed away inside the cell before it was even time for them to be executed. There would be no need for the execution, but that abominable environment made survival difficult. She had never seen the condemned cell; however, she had heard plenty of rumors from having lived in the Imperial Palace for most of her life. The more she understood, the more her heart shook. She feared that her Mo’er would be unable to survive in there, and she hoped desperately that he would be let out.

At the same time, she understood that it would be impossible for Xuan Tianmo to be let out. Once he was let out, he would be escorted to the execution site. She only had three days. Would three days be enough for her to reverse the situation?

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now