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The Girl Sent to His Highness the Ninth Prince

The fat granny thought that the words “one of the ninth prince’s people” would definitely frighten the other side. After all, throughout the entirety of Da Shun, regardless of whether it was officials or merchants, whenever the name of the ninth prince of hell was invoked, they would become a bit evasive. Although it would not reach the point of trying to hide in a corner while trembling, they would become more submissive and would definitely be unwilling to put up a fight.

However, she never thought that her own “bold announcement” would not only have no effect, but it caused everyone to burst into laughter. There were even people that held their bellies while laughing. It was as though they had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

She was completely confused, “Have you all gone stupid? If you’re a group of idiots, this old one arguing with you is a waste of time.” As she said this, she guiltily took a couple steps back then turned to leave; however, she was stopped by one of Feng Yu Heng’s hidden guards. “What are you doing? You want to flaunt your superiority in numbers and cause trouble, right? I see that you’re either stupid or deaf. Did you not hear what this old one just said? We are people from the ninth prince’s palace. Do you know what sort of outcome awaits someone that opposes the ninth prince? Or do you just not understand what the ninth prince means? That would be the ninth son of the current emperor, His Highness Prince Yu!”

She put on quite a show of speaking; however, it was met with even more laughter from Feng Yu Heng’s group. Wang Lin loudly said: “Old woman, it’s fine if you speak poorly and have bad intentions, but why are you throwing around the ninth prince’s name? You even dare to pretend to be one of the Yu Palace’s people? Are you crazy?”

The fat granny rushed to say: “You’re the crazy ones!”

Wang Lin wanted to reply once more; however, Feng Yu Heng was the first to speak up, asking the granny: “Since you said that you are one of the ninth prince’s people, where is your group headed? I see that you aren’t headed in the direction of the capital.” While she spoke, she looked toward the carriages in the back and asked: “What sort of people are in the carriages?” She could see that the carriages were swaying, and it was clear that there were people struggling inside.

“That’s none of your business!” The granny rolled her eyes, “Not even considering the weight of your own status, you actually dare to inquire about the ninth prince’s affairs? Who do you think you are?”

Feng Yu Heng smiled, “Who am I? If I say it, I’m afraid you’ll die out of fear. I had no intention of arguing with you, but since you have thrown out the ninth prince’s name, if I don’t do anything about it, it really would be too improper.”

“Hm?” The granny was puzzled, “What do those words mean?”

“It’s as I said.” Feng Yu Heng stood up and walked forward. Suddenly stopped, she looked toward someone in her own group. It was a doctor from Hundred Herb Hall that was rather young, in their 20s. Before setting out, everyone had made various preparations, and that person happened to be wearing some very nice clothing. He was dressed as the son of a wealthy family. She came up with an idea and suddenly saluted to that person, saying: “Your Highness the eighth prince, this granny says that she is from His Highness the ninth prince’s palace. I wonder if you have ever seen her before?”

The doctors from Hundred Herb Hall were all people that Feng Yu Heng and Yao Xian had personally taught. Not only were they skilled in medicine, but they were also quite quick to react. Hearing Feng Yu Heng suddenly say this, that person was able to understand the situation almost immediately. Thus he curled his lips into a smile and did his best to act a bit more like a prince. Without even looking up, he coldly said: “What a joke, how come this prince has never seen this sort of fat and dark bear in ninth brother’s palace before?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now