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The Eighth Prince Gets a Beating

Enemies were destined to meet!

During this period, the matter of the eighth prince leading the way and causing trouble, trying to chase Feng Yu Heng out of the capital and forcing her to close Hundred Herb Hall was something that had spread. Although the people did not dare to do anything in the face of a prince, they had internally cussed the eighth prince very thoroughly.

Ever since Xuan Tian Mo had come out of the Sheng Palace on his horse to wander around, he had already received plenty of sharp looks. The commoners did nothing openly, but there were quite a few things done in secret. There were even some that threw eggs under the horse’s hooves.

Xuan Tian Mo was not like the late third prince. He would not begin cursing at the commoners in the street because he was clear that if he wanted to obtain this world, the hearts of the commoners could not be lost. Now that he had fallen to a disadvantageous position, if he caused trouble for the citizens in the streets, he could not bear the burden of that black pot. That was why a prince endured the entire time until he ran into Feng Yu Heng. A cold light appeared in his eyes and could not be held back.

Feng Yu Heng looked up and happened to look into the eyes that seemed to belong to a hawk. The message that came from those eyes seemed to be radiating with death, and was very chilling.

Xiang Rong was frightened and subconsciously took a step back; however, she lost her footing and could not stay standing. Dropping to the ground, she let out an “ouch” when she fell.

Feng Yu Heng clearly could have helped her stay standing, but who knew what she was thinking, as she not only did not help Xiang Rong, but she also took a step back in horror. She then successfully tripped over Xiang Rong’s foot and fell over.

It had to be said that Xiang Rong falling over might not have resulted in any commotion. At most, it would have brought about some concern, but Feng Yu Heng was different. Her fame in the capital was far too great, especially in the most recent days. Because of the matter with Hundred Herb Hall, Imperial Daughter Ji An had practically become something that was nearly spoken about at all times. There were even some people that would wipe away tears while eating and thinking about Hundred Herb Hall, while cursing at the people that opposed Imperial Daughter Ji An.

Now that Feng Yu Heng fell over, she just happened to fall into a busy intersection where many people were walking. It immediately caught everyone’s attention. Everyone looked over, as Wang Chuan and Huang Quan took note of Feng Yu Heng’s gaze. They quickly went to help Xiang Rong and their own young miss. While helping them, they loudly asked: “Young Miss, are you alright? Young Miss, this servant said that you should not go out. With so many of the officials in court finding you displeasing, who knows how many people will act against you!” After saying this, Wang Chuan kneeled toward the eighth prince and said with a look of horror: “Your Highness the eighth prince, we definitely did not intend to disrupt your walk, nor did we intend to block your path. Would Your Highness please show grace. You must not allow your steed to trample our imperial daughter to death!”

As she spoke, she and Huang Quan kowtowed to the eighth prince. While kowtowing, they began to cry. The two even stood in front of Feng Yu Heng, as if the eighth prince’s horse would rear up at any moment. Even Xiang Rong, who was behind them, began to cry. On one hand, she had suffered a shock, but it was not enough to cause her to cry. The most important part was to put on a show.

The eighth prince, Xuan Tian Mo, who was still on the back of the tall horse felt as if there was a buzzing sound inside his head. In the past, he only knew that Feng Yu Heng was sharp with her tongue, and she was very fierce when taking action. She was a master of going to fight on the battlefield. However, he never thought that her ability to act was also so good. She was someone that could spout nonsense without batting an eye. But his horse clearly did not even come close to touching her. There were even quite a few steps between the two. How did the two end up sitting on the ground? Was this not just extortion?

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