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Grand Wedding for Ming and Heng

Year 24 of Tian Wu’s rule, the ninth prince, Xuan Tian Ming, married Imperial Daughter Ji An, Feng Yu Heng, on the 18th of the fourth month.

The wedding sedan was carried out of Sha Ping City and headed in the direction of Jue Ping City. The procession following it formed a long line, and those forming the line were not of common backgrounds. Xuan Tian Ming was at the front, riding atop a tall, white camel. The bright-red wedding suit was very eye-catching in the bright sunlight. The ninth prince, who always had a sly expression on his face, had a delightful smile on his face, for the first time in recorded history. The corners of his lips never drooped the entire time.

The bride inside the wedding sedan was also feeling very joyous. No matter what, she could not keep herself from smiling. From time to time, she would tremble a bit, like a child that had successfully gotten away with sneaking some candy.

In the southern desert, the festivities shook the skies. Everyone knew that the god of war would be marrying the Bodhisattva of medicine. Inside Lan Zhou City, the citizens began to set off firecrackers in the streets near their homes, and there were even more people that had been treated at Hundred Herb Hall that gathered around Hundred Herb Hall to present a number of gifts. Hundred Herb Hall simply set up a few tables outside to celebrate for their boss. They also gave out a number of celebratory cakes and candies, which attracted even more people to this side. It was very lively.

The South was very lively, and the capital was even more lively.

Feng Yu Heng was set to get married on the day that she became of age. This was news that Xuan Tian Ming had spread ahead of time. At the time that people were sent to pick up Xuan Tian Hua, Xuan Tian Ge and the others, they had also gone to visit the Yao family. For this, the Yao family was very active, not hiding this matter in the slightest. Not only did they spread the information early on, but they also put on a grand spectacle. On the day that Feng Yu Heng got married in the South, the Yao manor also opened its doors to hold a banquet. From the front yard to the backyard, there were a total of 88 tables placed.

This banquet was personally organized by Yao Xian. Ignoring how this old man usually stayed hidden, did not have any proper ranking, and looked like an idle person, in truth, roughly 80 percent of the people in the capital had received some sort of grace from him. The Yao family was a prominent family in medicine. Having been established in the capital for many generations, they were a prosperous family that had been famous for over a century. Even when Feng Jin Yuan had married Yao shi, that was because the Yao family’s position was able to provide assistance to the Feng family. It was a prominent family in medicine! The number of people that they had saved would not be few. There were people that had been saved from nearly every family. Although the Yao family had been through that difficult time, they had now returned to the capital. With the Emperor’s attitude there for all to see, who would dare to belittle the Yao manor?

With just a few words from Yao Xian, nearly everyone in the capital was moved, squeezing into the Yao manor. Those people that had received the Yao family’s grace and did not know how to express their thanks had finally found their opportunity. Crate after crate of wedding gifts were carried into the Yao manor! There were also those that wished to curry favor with the Yao family. They also came with bundles of banknotes in their hands, trying to worm their way into the manor for fear that they could not get in if they were a step late. There were also the people that had been treated by Feng Yu Heng. There were some poor and some wealthy, and they all came to visit. The wealthy ones came with wedding gifts, while the poor people were more pragmatic, as some simply came with baskets of eggs.

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