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The Enemy of an Enemy But Not a Friend

There was a feeling of rejection toward Feng Fendai that existed in Imperial Concubine Li’s heart. Feng Fendai was the first to seek her out, and it had happened during the winter hunt, when she was at her lowest. It was not as though her words had not swayed her, but following her recent promotion to the position of imperial concubine and with the matter of Xuan Tianfeng liking Feng Yuheng, she did not want to have any connection with Feng Fendai. She also scoffed even more at the things that Feng Fendai said.

But Feng Fendai was unreconciled with giving up like this. Even if she knew that she was no longer able to do anything to Imperial Concubine Li, she was still perfectly happy with making Imperial Concubine Li unhappy. Stepping forward, she very unreservedly sat down next to Imperial Concubine Li, and the first thing that she said was: “Your Highness has those sorts of ideas in mind. I wonder if my exceptionally intelligent second sister has noticed it? I saw Your Highness treating her so warmly, yet my second sister’s attitude was quite indifferent.”

Imperial Concubine Li trembled and felt a bit panicked. She could not help but ask: “What nonsense are you spouting? What sort of ideas does this One have?” Although she said this, there was some nervousness and evasiveness in her gaze. She even cast a glance in Feng Yuheng’s direction, which brought out a ridiculing look from Fendai.

“Your Highness, stop deceiving yourself. Your thoughts are clearly written all over your face! Only an idiot would be unable to understand. If things are as expected, it’s probably not just me who saw through things, right? Your niece is quite smart. Thinking about it, she will not clueless. I really do wonder if Your Highness is His Highness the sixth prince’s birth mother. Why is it that you act without ever making considerations for your son? Don’t blame Fendai for not reminding you. If you continue like this, His Highness the sixth prince will meet his end because of you!”

Because of Imperial Concubine Li turning the tides, Feng Fendai had a belly full of anger. Although she clearly knew that Imperial Concubine Li’s stubborn and one-track mind could not possibly be moved by her words, but that was just how she was. If she had something to say, she definitely had to say it. If she did not say it, she would feel uncomfortable from holding it in. Imperial Concubine Li made her unhappy and cost her one of her plans, thus she had to cause Imperial Concubine Li to feel a bit unhappy. Even if it was just through words.

In truth, Imperial Concubine Li had indeed been quite angered by her, but Fendai had been negligent when it came to the madams and young misses in the parlor. Not to mention them all being in the eighth prince’s faction, but the majority of the people in the parlor were already acting very poorly. When she had headed in Imperial Concubine Li’s direction, she had left her younger brother, Xiao Bao, to Dong Ying to take care of; however, with her seat being so far from Imperial Concubine Li and her only focusing on chatting with Imperial Concubine Li, she did not pay attention to what was happening with Xiao Bao.

Next to the door to the parlor, there were three young misses from unknown families that were nibbling on some unsightly fruit. They were very disgusting and could not be eaten, but they truly did not know what else to do, thus they nibbled on them and fiddled with them.

Who knew where one of them came up with the idea, as they took a look at the isolated Xiao Bao. An idea came to mind, as she tossed the partially-eaten fruit over. The fruit rolled around on the ground a few times until it reached Xiao Bao’s seat.

Xiao Bao was small. While sitting in his seat, his feet were unable to reach the ground. Looking at the fruit that had rolled over in a daze, he had a look of confusion on his face. He then heard that young miss say: “Little bastard, what are you looking at the fruit that this girl granted you for? Why aren’t you eating it!”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 801Where stories live. Discover now