Part 7 - Friendship?

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I rushed to open the door as the doorbell rang, in front of me stood a cute little boy, well he wasn't really little, but he was much younger than me, he was dressed in a black trouser and a black shirt, he wasn't as tall as me either just a bit shorter than me I guess, he had dark brown hair and almost black eyes, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

He smiled at me nervously and tried to open his mouth to speak many times but he kind of looked like he was scared of me so he just remained silent.

"So you're the guy taking my sister on a date?" I asked him, he just nodded silently and looked at the floor, I dint know I could be intimidating.

"You do know about her condition don't you?" I asked.

"Yes I do know." He nodded once again.

"So why do you want to do something that might not last?" I asked. I just wanted to be sure my sister wouldn't get hurt anyhow, at times boys were douches anyway.

"Because I like her, and she deserves to feel special." He smiled nervously.

"You better not make her feel terrible after making her feel special otherwise I'll kill you."

"Bro! Stop scaring him!" Anjali intervened as she walked towards both of us, she looked beautiful. I hadn't seen my sister dressed up like this before, she was wearing a cute little black dress, she had some make up on too, she looked so beautiful.

"Wow! You look..." The little guy tried to speak but it looked like he was speechless, he had his mouth wide open as he looked at her admiring her beauty, it kind of reminded me of the way I always look at Khushi.

"Thank you Kabir, now let's leave before my brother starts blackmailing you." Anju giggled, I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed, she seemed so happy, I wanted for it to last forever, I wanted to see her happy like this always.

"Don't worry, I won't ever hurt her." Kabir assured me as he held her hand and led her outside, I hoped Kabir was going to keep his words, my sister was really precious to me, I wouldn't tolerate her getting hurt even a bit.


Nina had arrived earlier than me today, she was seated in our usual place when I walked into the class, I settled down beside her and greeted her.

"You feeling better today?" She asked.

I nodded positively as I pulled out my book and started reading, Nina and I were the only ones present in class at the moment, people usually arrived after eight o'clock and it was seven thirty so I had half an hour to silently read.

Nina too was busy completing her homework, no wonder she was early, she must have not done her homework and now she wanted to finish it before she got into trouble for it.

A few minutes of silence and the door suddenly opened, I lifted my head up and so did Nina, we looked at the entrance where Khushi had just been pushed in by a guy, it was the same guy that was kissing her the day I dropped her home and he was here doing the same thing again.

I looked away from them trying to avoid looking at her, I knew it was normal and it wasn't the first time I was seeing her with some guy but today it kind of hurt today for reasons unknown.

This girl was totally unpredictable, just yesterday she was in her room crying and today she was here acting like everything was okay, how did she manage to do it? Now that I knew the truth, I could clearly see the pain in her eyes yet she managed to pretend so happy in front of everyone and it was so damn believable.

"Arnav, as a friend I really want to make you feel better but it's kind of hurting now." Nina said, I looked at her in confusion wondering what she was saying, she noticed my confusion and gestured towards her hand which I was holding so tight, I immediately pulled of my hand leaving red finger marks on her wrist, shit I dint even realize when I did that.

"I'm so sorry, I dint mean to hurt you." I apologized.

"Oops, we thought the class was empty." Khushi said finally noticing our existence, she grabbed the guys hand and pulled him out of the classroom as I shut my eyes and inhaled deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Since when?" Nina looked at me excitedly with a smile.

"What?" I asked being confused again.

"Since when have you liked her?" She asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I bit my lips nervously, no one really had an idea about my crush on Khushi, I don't even know if it was a crush or I liked her or anything but I just knew I felt something in my heart every time I looked at her.

"Well duh, look at the way you reacted." Nina laughed.

"It's the first time I've reacted this way I swear. She's had so many boyfriends since school but I have never reacted this way about it, it's her life she can do whatever she wants, but I dint like it today I don't know why." I shrugged.

"Oh My God! You've liked her since school? How many years are those?"

"I don't know but I think I've always liked her, since we started school in the same class together, as a kid she was just beautiful to me but then when you grow up and start looking at someone that way, I still looked at her. I haven't been able to look at anyone else like I look at her." I confessed my feeling to her, there was no point hiding it because I had made it so obvious anyway.

"Why don't you tell her about it?" Nina asked to which I laughed, it was insane.

"Until last week, she dint even know I existed Nina, if I tell her I feel something for her, she will laugh at my face. I'm clearly nothing close to all those guys she's usually with, I'm not rich, I'm just a nerd and I don't even look that good." I shrugged.

"Where is it written that a nerd can't be a good boyfriend? And Arnav, behind this huge nerdy glasses you wear, you're hot as hell." Nina rolled her eyes at me, I dint say anything, I dint know what to say but she also dint say anything so she continued her homework and I went back to reading.


Later in the evening, as I headed to the parking lot, I found Khushi standing there leaning on my car, it was strange, why was she here?

"I thought you were never going to get out of that class." She rolled her eyes and waited for me to open then car.

"You need a lift?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday." She said, I nodded as I unlocked my car and walked in, I gestured to her to get in too and she did.

"What did you want to talk about Khushi?" I asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for coming and apologize for being rude, no one had ever really cared so it was strange that you did and I acted that way, so I am sorry I shouldn't have." She said.

"I thought you were this mean popular girl who dint apologize for anything at all." I laughed.

"Yeah there's that too, I actually made an exception for you, but anyway that's all now go away and don't tell the entire university that I apologized." She rolled her eyes and tried to get out of the car but I had locked it.

"Are you planning to trap me in here and do something wrong? If so, just know that something worse might happen to you." She went in defensive mode immediately making me laugh, she was really cute.

"I am not that kind of a guy Khushi, I won't do anything wrong to anyone." I laughed.

"Then open the damn door."

"I was just thinking that now that you're in my car I'll just drop you home." I suggested.

"Oh yes so that I have to walk back here tomorrow morning because I'll leave my car here." She rolled her eyes.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning too." I suggested.

"Why? Why are you willing to go through all that trouble Arnav? Are smitten by my beauty just like every other guy out there?" She smirked at me as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Does that mean yes?" I asked, she stayed silent for a moment thinking about it and then just nodded positively making me so happy, I tried not to jump out of my car and do that happy dance, maybe I was no more going to be an invisible nerd to her, maybe we could actually be friends and this was a start.

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