Part 32

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I pushed the door open and rushed inside immediately, she was awake and seated on the bed smiling at me.

"I'm still alive, relax Arnav." She giggled.

"This isn't funny Anju, why can't you for once be serious. Dint the doctor tell you anything?" I asked angrily, why was it that I was hurting so much and she was here smiling like everything was okay?

"Yeah, I was told I have a few hours left." She said.

"And that doesn't make you scared?"

"It does, but then it also reminds me, that this are the last few hours of my life, so why would I want to spend them worried or crying or anything, none of it is going to change the fact that I'm dying right Arnav?

Look I came to terms with this long back, the both of us knew this day was to come dint we? Arnav I am okay with this, I have lived my life the way I wanted to, I have done everything I wanted to, so clearly crying or being sad or worried isn't going to postpone my death. I really have no regrets about anything." She said.

At times, it felt like she was older than me, how was she so mature? The door opened and Kabir walked in, he was trying to look fine but he clearly looked like he had been crying out there and was just now pretending to be okay for Anju.

"Except for one maybe." Anju said as she looked at Kabir sadly, the smile she had all this while just disappeared.

"I am sorry, I thought I could handle this but I can't." Kabir said as he turned around to leave.

"Kabir, you promised me you'll stay with me till my last breath." Anju said.

"I know, but I am not as strong as you Anju, it's difficult." He looked at her as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Nothing is difficult, come here please." Anju said, my sister honestly was the strongest person I'd ever seen, I have no idea how she managed to be okay after all this.

Kabir walked towards us as he sat down beside Anju on the bed and hugged her immediately breaking down into more tears, seeing him cry like that for her, it brought tears into my eyes too and here I was trying to be strong for her, but I just couldn't.

"Please don't leave me, I don't know how to live this life without you in it." Kabir held on to her tightly.

"You know how to live it Kabir, you were living before me, you will be fine without me too. We already talked about this, please don't make it harder for me. It's been ages since I felt sad about my health, I don't want to feel that way, and seeing you like this is making me feel that way.

Kabir, look at me. I love you, you've made me so happy in the past few months that we've been together and I am so happy about it, but the both of us knew this day was to come right? So let me go, just like you had promised you would." Anju cupped his face and looked at him seriously.

Who could believe that this teenagers shared such a strong bond, and were so mature even at this age? The both of them were so happy together, I hated that this was going to be the end of me, I hated that the day I never wanted to think of had finally come.

"Now you both, do you want me to die in this hospital room while wiping your tears of or do you want to make the best out of this few hours I have left? I don't want to die in this shitty hospital room please." Anju pouted at me.

"Anju you have to stay here, we can't leave, you aren't well." I said.

"Arnav, I will die whether I stay here or leave, so why would I choose to die here?" Wow, she was talking about death like it was just something normal, I couldn't get how she managed to do that, I wish I could get into her mind and see what she was actually feeling.

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