Part 21

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I was so engrossed in writing my notes, I dint even know what was going around in class, I hadn't been doing much the past few days and I realized I was left behind in studies, so I wanted to finish writing all my notes today so I don't have to keep postponing them again and again, plus today I had plans too.

I felt someone nudge me and I turned towards my right, I found Nina seated beside me, I dint even realize when she came.

"Hey." I smiled to her then continued writing my notes.

"Is everything between us okay Arnav?" She asked in a low voice, I turned to look at her once again, she looked really sad and was about to cry.

"Hey, what happened? Is everything okay? I am sorry I was busy writing I dint notice you weren't okay." I said as I turned towards her and sat facing her.

"I... I just thought you were ignoring me after what I said the other day." She stammered.

"What? No Nina, why would I ignore you because you have feelings for me? I am not that kind of a person, you know me." I explained.

"I know, I was just thinking stuff, I'm sorry Arnav, I just dint want to lose you, not even as a friend."

"Don't worry, you won't ever lose me. You are the only friend I have after whatever that happened between Rish and I, I can't afford to lose you too. We are good Nina, we are always going to be friends." I smiled at her.

She nodded happily as she moved closer and pulled me into a hug, I let her hold me for however long she wished, who would know what if felt when the person you loved dint love you better than me?

I heard someone cough behind me so I broke the hug and turned around, to my surprise Khushi was standing there, with her arms folded, she looked like she was angry.

"You called me?" She asked trying to pretend to be serious.

"Yeah, I wanted to take you somewhere after the classes were over, so just wanted to inform you earlier so you wouldn't make other plans." I said.

"Really? Where?" She asked as she jumped on the table and sat down looking at me excitedly.

"Somewhere, it's a surprise. Now go to your class and stop roaming around in other classes or hallways." I said strictly.

"Oh how much you care about me." She smiled as she moved closer to me and pecked on my cheeks as she walked away.

I was left behind in confusion, what was going on in her mind? One moment she was angry, the other moment she was kissing me on the cheeks.

This girl was something.

"Looks like the feelings aren't one sided anymore." Nina looked at me as she tried to smile and act normal about it, I could understand how difficult this was for her, but I had always loved Khushi, Nina was just a friend to me.


After the last class, I walked out and found Khushi standing outside the class, leaning against the wall as she waited for me, I walked towards her and she smiled excitedly.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere." I shrugged as I started walking and she followed me still asking me lots of questions that I kept on trying to ignore.

We got inside the car and I drove off, when she realized I wasn't going to tell her anything about where we were going, she changed the topic.

"So, what did you do yesterday night?" She asked.

"Why? Did you miss me?" I smirked as I looked at her.

"You wish." She rolled her eyes.

"You can accept it, I won't judge." I laughed.

"And why are you suddenly flirting with me Arnav? I don't remember giving you the green signal." She looked at me curiously.

"Because you are my friend and I have feelings for you and I can't flirt with you as long as you don't have a boyfriend." I replied.

"You are acting really strange today. What did you do to the nerdy Arnav?" She asked.

"Stop being melodramatic." I said as I parked the car, we both stepped out as she looked around.

"So you brought me here to show me nothing? All I can see is an empty road." She said as she looked around wondering why I brought her here, I just smiled as I grabbed her hand and pulled her along.

"Oh my god, why have you brought me to this isolated forest looking like place, are you planning to murder me?" She asked.

"Shut up Khushi." I rolled my eyes at her, she laughed as she followed me until we were where I wanted to bring her.

"Wow, I had no idea such a beautiful place existed here." She smiled at me as she looked at the beautiful place around us, it was a really green place in the middle of nowhere with a small waterfall and some trees with beautiful flowers, and there were some pretty butterflies around here too, it was beautiful and calm.

"Well yeah I know some good places." I smiled.

"Aww, that's a really beautiful and rare flower." She said as she looked at one of the flowers, she was right, it was a rose but it wasn't red or those other colors, it was quite colorful.

I smiled as I walked towards the side it was, plucked it out and handed it to her.

"This is so colorful." She said as she sat down and admired the beauty of it.

"Just like my life has been since you came." I smiled as I settled down beside her, she kept on looking at the flower for a while, and touching it softly and then she pulled out her phone and started taking pictures of it too.

After a while of silence she finally looked at me, I was busy enjoying the peace in this place, it had a fresh air, silence and beauty, just the perfect place ever.

"Why did you decide to bring me here today?" She asked.

"I usually come here once in a while or whenever Anju wants to, I bring her here, she liked this place a lot. I dint have much to do today so I was planning to come here and I thought maybe I should bring you along, it might make you happy." I smiled.

"You brought me here to make me happy?" She looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah." I look at her in confusion, she nodded as she looked away from me.

"What is it Khushi?" I asked.

"Nothing, just that no one has ever really tried to make me happy before. I'm glad that we became friends Arnav, I'm glad that now I have someone that wants to make me happy, that cares about me and my happiness." She smiled faintly.

"You know I have always cared about you." I held her hand once again and looked at her seriously. After I heard the conversation with her parents and after what Kabir told me, I knew she had feelings for me, and although I might not have a clear reason as to why she wasn't accepting them, I wanted for her to see how much I loved her.

How I was willing to do everything for her, to see her happy, to make her smile, to make her world beautiful, I wanted her to see that there was someone out here who loved her, and only if she could take once step ahead, I was ready to hold her, forever.

"Thank you for bringing me here Arnav, I really love this place, and I really feel good." She smiled at me as she looked me into the eyes.

Gladly this time, she dint look away, she just kept on looking at me and I kept on looking back at her, and today for the first time, I had this strong urge inside me, I wanted to kiss her, I know the first time we ever kissed was by mistake and she did it, and then last time it almost happened but then it dint.

But today I was willing to do it, but I was scared too, just because I thought she liked me dint mean I had to kiss her, but she looked beautiful, she looked happy and I wanted to tell her through my kiss how happy I was that she was happy.

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