Part 10

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Once we arrived at school, we both went different ways without saying anything to each other, I was really done trying to understand this girl, she was more than complicated.

I walked to class and settled down on my desk, Nina kept on staring at me and I don't know why I felt angry.

"Stop staring at me!" I shouted at her.

"Oops, someone isn't in moods." She giggled.

"I am sorry, I dint want to shout, this Khushi just irritated the hell out of me." I shrugged.

"Oh, it has to do with Khushi." Nina smirked in a teasing manner and my mood just changed, no matter how angry Khushi made me, she also made me feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I looked at her.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked trying to change the topic, my life had suddenly gone from not talking to anyone about Khushi at all, to Nina teasing me about her, how did things change so fast?

"Oh yes, that reminds me, your friend Rishabd was looking for you a while ago, he told me to tell you to find him once you come, he was kind of also trying to flirt with me, it was creepy." Nina rolled her eyes making me laugh. Rishabd could actually be creepy at times.

"I know, just ignore him." I said as I stood up and rushed out of the class to find him before the class began, I found him in the hallways busy flirting with a few girls who were giggling at how cute they found him.

Once he saw me, he walked away from them and towards me, smirking like an idiot, why was he smirking?

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked as we both stopped in front of each other.

"Because you're hiding things from me." he said.

"Why would I hide anything from you?"

"I don't know maybe because you no more consider me your friend after Nina became your friend." He said, I busted out laughing so loud making everyone passing by stare at me.

"Why are you acting like a jealous girlfriend? She's a friend and so are you." I said trying to suppress my laughter.

"Well that wasn't the topic I was talking about, yesterday I saw Khushi in your car, how come I don't know anything regarding it? Since when did you both becomes friends?" he looked at me seriously.

"She needed lift, I gave her, what's there to tell about it?" I asked.

"She has a car which was already there in the parking lot, don't give me excuses Arnav, it's not like I'm going to kill you for being friends with her."

"I am not really friends with her Rish, come on, I just dropped her home and there's nothing like you're thinking." I said.

"There's nothing like I'm thinking? Look me into the eyes and tell me you don't like her." He moved closer and stared at me dead serious, no one really knew about my crush on Khushi because I always wanted it to remain private so I hadn't told even Rish about it but Nina found out yesterday and looked like Rish also found out.

Maybe I wasn't good at hiding things.

"Okay fine, I like her so what's the big deal, she doesn't like me back." I said.

"Dint you find any other girl to like? I mean Khushi is the kind of a girl you date for a while then dump, you don't like her that way or think about spending an entire life with her." Rish said, seriously, why was this guy my friend? He was always judging people.

"And why isn't she the kind of girl I'd want to spend my life with?" I folded my arms.

"Arnav you know it, how can you ask me such a lame question? Have you heard what everyone around talks about her?" He asked.

"Okay, let me ask you a question Rish, you also do or have done everything she's ever done too, so why are you the one judging her when you're also like her? Why doesn't everyone around here gossip about you but her?"

"Duh, she's a girl, I'm a guy, there's a difference." He rolled his eyes.

"No! The only difference in your gender, you can't go on talking shit about her when you are just exactly like that, no one gave you the right to. You know what, I can no more be friends with you if you keep talking like this about all girls out there.

Khushi might be whatever she is but at least she doesn't hide what she is, and you what nothing that you say or anyone says would ever change the way I feel about her.

Come talk to me when you stop being so narrow minded." I turned around and walked away from him not wanting to face him anymore.


At lunch time Nina and I headed to the canteen as usual to have lunch, she kept on telling me about how great her life had been before she shifted here, not that she was in a new place she missed the fun and all.

I was listening to her until Khushi walked in with her friends and my eyes were immediately diverted towards her, she dint look my side at all, she just kept looking straight.

All of them got their food and headed to sit at a table in the far end corner, once she sat down I could no more see her because the rest of the people on the other tables were blocking us.

Looks like we went from almost being friends to strangers once again, I turned to look back at Nina who just smiled and continued eating her food so did I, which was until I got a phone call.

It was from an unknown number but I received it anyway, I could hear a boy's nervous and scared voice.

"He..hello... is this... A..Arnav?" He asked.

"Yes it's Arnav." I said.

"Arnav, it's me... Kabir. Something happened to Anju, she fainted, I am taking her to the hospital please be there soon." He said and then disconnected the call immediately.

"What happened?" Nina asked as she noticed my expressions.

"My sister, I need to go, she's in the hospital." I said as I rushed out quickly, Nina ran behind me but I dint try to stop and wait for her, once at the parking lot, she got inside the car with me.

"I'll come with you." She said, I dint have time to argue or anything so I just nodded and drove off, I hoped Anju was okay.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest, I was so freaking scared.

Please God, let her be okay.

Once I arrived at the hospital, I stopped the car aside and turned to Nina who was looking at me really worriedly.

"Can you please park the car, I'll meet you inside?" I asked, she nodded as I rushed out in a hurry leaving her to park the car.

I inquired about Anju at the reception and then rushed to the floor I was told she was admitted in, once I arrived I found Kabir pacing in the corridor looking so scared.

As soon as he saw me, he rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I don't know what happened to her, we were at school walking back to class after lunch break and she fainted so suddenly. I was scared as hell, I hope she is going to be fine." Kabir said worriedly.

I hugged him back tighter, I also hoped for the same, for her to be fine, it was only upon God to listen to our prayers.

"Where is she?" I asked Kabir, he pointed towards a room with shaking hands as I walked towards it.

"The doctor is inside, they dint allow me to go in, they said we have to wait here." He said sadly, I nodded as I sat down on one of the chairs placed out there, Kabir sat beside me silently without saying a word.

"Kabir, you should go home, I am here now." I said to which he nodded negatively.

"I want to be here, I want to make sure she is okay." He said in a really sad voice, I just looked at this little boy who was worried just as much as I was for my sister and that made me realize why my sister was talking so much about him.

Maybe he was actually a good guy, maybe he really cared about her, why else would he stay back when he could leave and not care about what happened to her?

Nina walked towards us and joined us on the chairs and the three of us sat there silently waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us anything regarding Anju.

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