Part 15

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Honestly speaking, I was done with all her dramas, why was she so confusing? I parked my car properly, stepped out and headed straight inside the mansion, I hoped her mother wasn't around because I really needed to talk to Khushi and I couldn't do it if she was around.

As I walked in, gladly the place was empty, I saw Khushi heading upstairs to her room so I followed her, she dint even notice me following her.

When she walked inside her room, she heard my footsteps I guess because she turned around and looked at me in surprise.

"Arnav, I thought you left." She said.

"I was to leave then I decided I'm not leaving without answers." I said as I walked inside, she ignored me and walked to her bed as she sat down so I followed her and sat beside her, I placed my hand on hers as she looked at me in surprise but dint say anything.

"Khushi, I really like you, a lot. Since childhood, since the time we all start thinking that way about someone, I've only thought about you, I even wonder if it's a crush only now that it's been so many years or something more.

I've never had the confidence to tell you or even to talk to you, you know I was the nerd and you were clearly the most popular girl, it was obvious that you wouldn't be interested in me, and I was happy with my one sided feelings for you until that day you talked to me.

Now there's a part of me that hopes that maybe someday you might like me that way too and even if you don't it's fine but please don't confuse me like this." I said.

"Arnav I..." She tried to speak but I placed my hand on her mouth shutting her up.

"Today is my day to speak, let me please because I might never have the courage to say all this again. I am sorry for all that nonsense I said that day, I was just angry, my intentions were never to hurt you Khushi, that's the last thing I would want to do.

I have no idea why you think that you're not worthy enough to be liked or anything because you are Khushi, if you'd look at yourself through my eyes you'll see how worthy you are and I hate it when you look down upon yourself like that, please don't do that.

I am not saying this because I want you to reciprocate my feelings, I mean everyone is entitled to choose who they want to be, and I might not be your idea of love but I'm sure someone out there is, and if you keep thinking this way about yourself you might lose out on that chance.

So for once see your worth and you'll see how different your life will be. I don't know what happened in your life that made like you like this but whatever it was, I'm sure it's not worth you thinking this way about yourself." I said, she kept on staring at me silently while I spoke, looking at me with a tiny bit of smile on her face.

"Why are you so nice to me? I've been a terrible person to you, yet you care so much about me." She asked.

"Because is see what other people can't see, the Khushi behind the popular, mean and rude girl." I smiled.

"Arnav I... I dint want this life, I dint choose it for myself. I just... it's difficult for me to explain." She looked at me sadly.

"I don't need any explanation Khushi, what I need is for you to love yourself, be the girl you show to the world, be the strong Khushi who loves herself, because at the end of the day, all we have is ourselves and that has to be enough right?

You don't know me much, it might not be easier to open up but maybe someday when you think you can trust me enough to share things with me, I'll be there to listen." I smiled at her, she smiled back but it faded away immediately.

She stood up and walked away from me.

"Arnav I can't feel for you the way you feel for me, I am not trying to mean to you or to hurt you but you aren't the kind of a guy I've dreamt about." She said.

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