Part 17

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I was seated beside Nina in the class, the both of us were busy copying notes from the board when Khushi walked in, it was funny how she had suddenly started attending classes, before you'd never see her in class.

She sat behind us and nudged on my back so I turned to look at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I come your place tonight again?" She pouted like a cute baby.


"Because I liked coming, it's good to have company, you and Anju never let me feel alone." She shrugged.

"Not that I am refusing nor trying to be rude but don't you have company at home too? You father is there, your step mom too or your boyfriend."

"My parents are never home Arnav, and I currently don't have a boyfriend, waiting for my Mr. Right you see." She giggled.

"Okay keep waiting and yeah you can come home, the doors are always open for you, now can I finish writing the notes?"

"Sure, I'll see you later." She smiled and stood up to walk away, as usual she was just skipping her classes, when was this girl ever going to be serious about her studies?

"Such a terrible friend you are, you dint tell me something started between you and Khushi." Nina interrupted my writing.

"Nothing happened Nina, apparently we are just friends." I rolled my eyes, she dint ask anything after that so the both of us completed the notes and soon the lecturer walked in and the classes began.


At lunch I was heading to the canteen where I usually ate with Nina, the period before lunch we both had separate classes so we decided to meet directly at the canteen but before I could reach there, Rish joined me.

"What's up dude?" He asked.

"Nothing much you tell me, I haven't seen you in ages, where were you?" I asked.

"I had gone for a short trip anyway I'm back and I can see now that you've got a new friend you don't need me anymore." He said.

"What nonsense. You were my friend you will always be." I said as I continued walking.

"Sure?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course now stop asking me funny questions."

"If I'm your friend you can do anything for me right?" He asked.

"Depends what category the anything comes in, but what do you want from me?"

"Khushi." He said, I stopped walking and turned to look at him in shock, he was asking for Khushi as if she was my property or I owned her.

"I mean don't get me wrong but you both are getting along quite well and I kind of like her so I thought you could help me with her." He said nervously.

"Why? As far as I remember you thought she's the kind of a girl who changes boyfriends like she changes clothes and all that terrible stuff so why the sudden interest?"

Since Rish and I were friends, I've always heard him talk negative about Khushi, he always had to say something terrible about her and now suddenly he was all changed, of course I doubted something fishy.

"Well yeah but I thought about what you said, who are we to judge the life people live right? And man, she's so hot, I can't keep my eyes away from her."

"Oh so now you suddenly find her hot too, I am sorry Rishabd but I can't help you here, I don't think I can trust you enough. You are my friend but I know you very well, and I don't really think you like Khushi." I said as I walked away from him.

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