Part 11

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After what seemed like ages, the doctor walked out of the room, he looked tensed and I kept hoping he dint have terrible news for us, I stood up as he walked towards us.

"How is she?" I asked as my voice trembled, please God, let her be okay.

"I don't know what to say, she is okay for now but I can't tell how long she's going to be okay." He said, I looked at him sadly, I knew what he meant, everywhere we went for Anju's treatment, the doctors had only one thing to say, they weren't sure how long she was going to live.

"Can I see her?" I asked, he nodded as I rushed inside while I left Kabir outside with Nina, Kabir had already started asking the doctor all the questions he had.

I walked inside the room and looked at her wondering what this little girl had done to deserve this, why did she have to suffer this way? I just couldn't take it.

"Don't worry I'm not dead yet." She giggled as she looked at me.

"Will you stop making fun about it?" I rolled my eyes as I walked towards her and pulled her into a hug, I held her in my arms tightly, if it was in my hand, I wouldn't ever let go.

"Relax bro, I am fine, don't be so worried." She smiled as she broke the hug and looked at me, I wondered how she managed to be strong enough to smile in such a situation when here I was breaking apart.

"Why are you so unbothered about it?" I asked her, she literally seemed normal.

"Forget that, where is Kabir, is he here?" She asked.

"Anju, I am talking about your health and all you are worried about is Kabir, can you be a bit serious in life for once?" this girl was driving me mad.

"What do you want me to do bro? Sit in one room sadly and cry over the fact that I won't get to live my life like everyone else out there? Do you want me to keep worrying that I am going to die so I'd forget living this few days that I have?

I thought you were elder, you are more mature than me, you should be happy that your sister isn't sitting in a room crying over the fact that she might die any day, but instead she's living her life so incase the day comes, she won't have any regrets whatsoever." She looked at me angrily.

"I am just scared of losing you." I said.

"And while being scared you'll not spend enough time with me and then you're going to regret it. For heaven sake bro, stop being worried." She was getting angry too, the thing with both of us, we were really short tempered, we'd get angry so easily.

But today I dint want to argue with her, she had just recovered, and she was right at one point, I should have been happy that she wasn't crying about this but she was strong enough to accept it and live her life with it.

But as her brother I was still worried that one day I was going to wake up and she was no more going to be there, and that kind of broke my heart.

"Now will you please tell me if Kabir is around?" She asked.

"I'm here Anju." Kabir answered as he walked in, she smiled so excitedly as he approached her and then she threw her arms around him and hugged him happily.

"I thought you were going to run away seeing me like this." Anju pouted.

"Are you stupid? Who will run away from such a perfect girlfriend?" Kabir smiled as he broke the hug, I looked at the both of them in surprise.

"Girlfriend? Since when did you both start dating? And how come I have no idea about it?" I looked at the both of them in surprise. Anju started blushing immediately as Kabir looked at me nervously, this kid was really scared of me, it was funny.

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