Part 9

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"Khushi." I whispered her name, at the moment I was feeling so flabbergasted I couldn't even speak properly.

"Arnav, it's you?" She asked, her voice had a bit of surprise and shock, was she going to be mad at me? I mean it wasn't my fault but Khushi and her mood swings were something to be scared of, you wouldn't know how she would react.

She switched on the lights and looked at me in disbelief, I dint even know what to do or say now, it was so awkward ad scary at the same time, was she going to slap me? or throw me out of here and shout at me?

"I am sorry Khushi, I just came to inform you that I was leaving, I dint have any wrong intention and you dint even let me speak and it was dark and you thought I was someone else but I wasn't. God, I am so sorry, I dint do it on purpose please don't be angry on me, it was just a coincidence, I really dint do it on purpose." I said nervously.

She stared at me seriously all the while I spoke and when I was done, she suddenly started laughing crazily and I was left confused yet again, why was it difficult to understand this girl? Her reactions were always unexpected.

"Relax Arnav, it was just a kiss." She shrugged as she walked towards her dressing table and started putting on some make up.

"Really Khushi, was it just a kiss, are you sure you aren't mad?" I asked, I don't know why it was hard to believe that she could take this matter lightly, it was kind of a big deal for me so I thought it was going to be the same for her too.

"Relax Arnav, seriously it isn't a big deal, despite you aren't a bad kisser, you should be happy you got to kiss me, not everyone gets the chance." She laughed.

"And yes, don't go telling people about it." She added.

"Why would I want to tell anyone about it Khushi? It's embarrassing for me." I rolled my eyes at her.

"First time I'm hearing a guy say it's embarrassing for him to have kissed me, ouch that hurt." She pouted and then laughed again, seriously, I dint know what to do about this girl anymore.

"Umm okay, I guess I'll leave then, see you." I was still confused by her behavior, I mean weren't kisses supposed to be a big deal? For me they were, I had never kissed anyone before, but I guess for her it wasn't.

"Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow."

"I won't." I smiled faintly as I walked out of her room, I bumped into her boyfriend or whoever that guy was to her at the door, gladly he dint witness what had just happened, otherwise there would have been a huge drama.

I walked away ignoring him, I dint like that he got to take Khushi to dates and spend time with her, I wanted to do that, I wanted to take her to dates, to make her happy, I wanted her to share her kisses with me, but well I wasn't her type so it was never going to happen.

Oh God Arnav! Stop acting like a jealous boyfriend.


As I walked inside the house, Anju rushed to hug me excitedly, she seemed really happy about something and I liked seeing her happy.

"Calm down little sister, what's making you this happy though?" I asked.

"The date, oh my God bro, it was such a perfect date and Kabir was such a gentleman, I just feel so happy, I feel some butterflies in my stomach, oh god this feelings." She giggled and blushed, she seemed really happy but as her brother I was still kind of worried.

"Anju, it's not good to feel this way this soon about a person and are you sure about Kabir, what if he ends up hurting you? I would kill him." I said angrily, I wouldn't tolerate anyone hurting my little sister even a bit.

"Oh God bro, stop being so over protective, Kabir is a good guy and one day you'll realize it too." She said.

"Well I hope so, anyway let me freshen up then we can sit together and you can tell me all about your date, I might get ideas in case I get to take a girl on a date." I laughed.

"The only girl you'd ever take on a date is Khushi and that's not happening until you tell her what you feel which I guess you'll never do so I don't see the date happening."

"Shut up, you're talking more than your age, go sit and wait for me." I said as I headed to my room to freshen up.

Anju was right though, the only girl I ever wanted to take on a date was Khushi and well that was never really going to happen.

What was going to happen about my one sided feelings for this girl?


I tried calling her, and waiting outside her house for quite a while but neither did she receive my call nor did she come out of the house, I was already getting late for my class and I dint want to miss it but I had promised Khushi too that I would pick her up so I couldn't leave without her either.

I mustered enough courage and headed inside the house hoping I'd find her but what I was met with was shocking.

The hall was full of broken things, vases, flowers scattered around, a lot of glass things actually, Khushi was standing in the middle of it all with her mother.

She looked really angry and so did her mother and I knew I had made the wrong decision of coming in here.

"What the hell is your problem? Why do you keep forgetting that you're my father's wife, and you don't have any right over me? My mother is dead and you can never be her so stop telling me what to do and what not to do!" She shouted at her step mother.

"You think I give a damn about you? Seriously Khushi grow up." Her mother said.

"Then stop putting your nose in my business, this is my house, I'll leave here, I'll leave anywhere I want to, don't you dare tell me what to do and what not to do."

"This is my house too and I can't let you bring those stupid friends of your in here and spoil everything, there's no party happening in this house Khushi, get that very clearly."

"Oh yeah, who's going to stop me? Remember, this house is mine, it's on my name so don't force me to throw you out of it." Khushi looked at her angrily.

"Let your father come back, I'm going to talk to him about this, you're seriously getting out of hands." She warned.

"Oh don't play the father card on me, and get out of my freaking way, you're just spoiling my day." Khushi said as she pushed her aside and walked away, she saw me standing at the door so she walked towards me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"Khushi." I tried to speak but the look she gave me was enough to silence me.

"Don't you dare talk about this to anyone?" She warned me.

"Seriously Khushi? Why do you always have to tell me not to tell anyone things related to you, how long is it going to take before you actually understand that there are some people in your life that don't want to spread news about you?

There are people that are actually your friends and care about you and want to make you feel better, why is it so difficult for you to trust me and be sure I won't do anything to harm you?" I asked.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me in surprise.

"Stop acting like you care, all everyone cares about is to be around me so they can be popular." She rolled her eyes.

"That's the problem, you see everything in a negative way, you don't even want to believe that I care about you and it hurts because all I've ever cared about is you, even when you dint know I existed, when we were kids, when we were teenagers and now when we're adults, I've always cared about you only." I shouted at her angrily, she was really testing my patience and this time I just lost it.

"Wow, that was such a great speech, you almost made me think you were in love with me." She laughed.

"Seriously?" I looked at her angrily, why couldn't she take anything seriously? I was done trying really, I just pulled off my hand from her hold and walked towards my car, I got inside and waited for her to come in too, she thought for a moment before joining me inside.

I drove off without saying a word, I dint even feel like talking to her anymore, I was really mad at her.

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