Part 27

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As I walked into the class, I was left surprised by two things today. Firstly, Khushi was in class, that too earlier than me which had never happened I think and secondly, Nina was seated with her instead of her usual place which was beside me.

When did this even happen?

In fact, both Nina and Khushi were busy talking about something which seemed really interesting that they dint even notice me when I walked in class, they were just engrossed in their story so I headed to my usual place and settled down waiting for the class to begin.

Why was Nina sitting with Khushi today and not me?

And then it clicked, Nina and I had decided to make new friends when we went for the movie, and it looks like she decided to be friends with Khushi, what was surprising was that Khushi wasn't mean or rude to her, they both seemed to be getting along pretty well.

I was happy for Nina, at least she found a new friend, the only friend I ever had was Rish and now he was no more my friend, I dint even know who to be friends with.

Soon the lectured walked in and the classes began, I pulled out my notebook out of my bag ready to note down notes when something hit my back, I turned around and saw Nina smiling at me brightly as she waved at me.

I waved back at her with a smile and then looked at Khushi who was also looking at me, but she dint smile so I just turned away, maybe she was angry on me for the stupidity I had done, she should be, I wasn't complaining.

After the first class ended, I grabbed my books and decided to head to the library as I had an hour before my other class so I figured I'd sit in the library and read.

I walked out of the classroom and climbed the stairs when I heard Nina call me, I stopped and waited for her while she climbed the stairs too.

"Hey, where are you running away?" She asked.

"Nowhere, just to the library, I don't have another class until an hour later so I wanted to read." I said.

"Oh, I thought you were angry on me or something, so just checking up. Are we okay?"

"Why would you think we aren't?"

"I don't know, maybe because today I dint sit with you and sat with Khushi instead, trying to be friends with her." She looked at me nervously.

"We are okay Nina, and if you two are getting along well you should really be friends, I'm sure you wouldn't find a friend better than her. Now don't worry about me I'm cool about everything, so see you later?"

"Sure, bye." She said as she headed back excitedly.

Khushi was definitely the popular girl, she had a lot of friends and a lot of people wanting to be her friends, but no one had really seen her the way I had, and all I could see was how lonely she was despite having all this friends, I don't think any of them were really close to her even.

So maybe she could be close with Nina because both of them were really great, I'm sure they would get along well too.


I had been so engrossed in reading I dint even realize it was the time for my next class, thanks to my watch, it beeped at the right time so I stood up and headed out of the library.

I was just about to descend the staircase when I had some sounds, I took two steps down and saw Khushi standing in between in the second row with a guy, she was standing leaning to the wall and the guy was standing opposite her, trying to lean closer to her.

He was also touching her face, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear and she was talking to me happily. I don't know why it was so difficult for me to understand this girl and her feelings.

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