Part 20

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I stepped out of the car as she followed me, the both of us headed inside the mansion, I also had to grab my stuff so I could go back home.

We walked inside as Khushi sat down on the sofa looking tired, I was just about to head upstairs to my room to get my stuff when I saw her mother descending the staircase, she looked angry, God knows for what reason.

"So now you've started bunking classes too." She said as she stood in front of Khushi.

"Why do you care?" Khushi rolled her eyes without even looking at her.

"You can't talk to me like that Khushi, I have to talk to your father regarding this behavior of yours, you are getting out of hands now. Before boys used to come here, now they're staying here too." She said as she looked at me like if she could, then she would kill me.

"It's my house, I can do whatever the hell I want." Khushi stood up and looked at her angrily.

"What is your problem Khushi?"

"You are my problem, can't you just mind your own damn business? I will do whatever the hell I want, who are you to tell me a thing?"

"Khushi!" I heard an angry voice, both Khushi and I turned to look at the entrance and saw her father walking in angrily.

"She's your mother, you can't talk to her like that." Khushi's dad said.

"Let me remind you something dad, my mother, she's dead! She died years ago, should I also remind you why and how? Because she found out you were cheating on her with this woman, she took her own life.

So no, this woman can never be my mother, I can stay in the same house with her but the only thing I'll ever feel for her is hatred, she got what she wanted, she took my mother away, she got married to you and came in this house, what more does she want from me?" Khushi looked at her father angrily as I looked at her in surprise, I never knew her mother had committed suicide because of her father.

It was such a shocking revelation, no wonder Khushi was like this, she had faced a lot in her life, anyone would become bitter.

"Khushi, we've discussed this matter over and over again." Her father looked at her sadly.

"Yes dad, you've told me how much you've always loved her yet that love never stopped you from cheating on her did it? You know why I would never fall in love dad? Because of you! Because I believe that somehow I'm just like you, I would cheat on the person that would love me like mom loved you and I don't want to be that kind of a person.

I don't want someone to take their life because of me, and because I understand that I'm somehow like you, that's why I have forgiven you, but I will never forgive this woman, don't even expect it from me, now if you both will excuse me, I've got to help Arnav pack his things, let's go Arnav." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

"Khushi." I whispered her name as I followed her to the room.

"Don't ask me anything Arnav, just pack your stuff and leave, I'll see you at college tomorrow." She looked at me sadly.

She already had enough for today, firstly with Rish and then her parents, I dint want to hurt her more so I chose to remain silent and let her be.

Once I was done grabbing my stuff I headed to the other room, got Anju's stuff to and headed downstairs followed by Khushi, her parents were seated in the hall discussing something.

"Khushi, next time I don't want to see any of your boyfriends in this house." Her father warned.

"Sure dad, it will happen when I stop seeing your girlfriend in this house, oops sorry, I forgot she's now your wife." Khushi said as she followed me outside.

I put my things on the backseat and turned to look at her, she was trying to smile but I could clearly see how fake it was.

"I'm sorry for all that drama." She said.

"It's okay, which family doesn't have dramas?" I smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye Arnav." She waved a goodbye at me and then rushed back inside the house, I got into my car and drove home.

After today, everything was starting to fall in place, it wasn't that Khushi couldn't love me, she dint want to love me, and the reason behind it was somewhere related to her parents.

All that she told me about me not being her type of a guy was just so I could actually think that was the reason, she never wanted me to know how broken she was from inside, and how her parent's marriage made her take this decision.

All this while, she's been keeping me at her mother's place and keeping herself at her father's place and she doesn't want me to end up like her mother did that's why she's doing all this, stopping herself from falling for me because she thinks, in the end she will end up hurting me.

God! Why is this girl like this? And why couldn't I see it before? She's just been trying to hide her attraction for me, and I was so stupid I dint even notice it.

I could have at least understood that when we almost kissed last night, but I still dint, she acted so well, she actually made me believe that she couldn't love me, because I wasn't her type, the truth was, she dint even have a type, all she wanted were casual relationships, so she wouldn't hurt anyone like her father did.

I parked the car outside and headed inside, Kabir and Anju were seated in the hall watching some movie, I sat opposite them silently still thinking about Khushi.

I don't know why, no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't understand her, she was the most difficult person to understand.

"Thinking about my sister?" Kabir smirked at me.

"And how would you know that?" I folded my arms as I looked at Anju, this girl couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious the way you two act around each other, I'm surprised why you aren't dating yet." Kabir laughed.

"Because your sister told me that she isn't interested in me and she never will be." I replied.

"Bullshit, If it is like that, why was she stalking your profile on Facebook the other day? I caught her red handed and she told me not to tell you. Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you." He pouted.

"She was?" I smiled excitedly as I looked at Kabir, he was just clearing the doubts I had.

"Don't tell her I told you but yeah, I went to her room and walked in without knocking and found her staring at your picture, the she hid it quickly but I told her that I had seen it already and she told me not to tell you." Kabir said.

"See, I told you. You were just too scared to tell her your feelings." Anju said.

"Well I did but she still said she wasn't interested, now I don't know how to make her accept it."

"Let's all think of something then come up with a plan, you two should seriously date, you like each other so much, it's written all over your faces that even kids like Anju and I can notice it." Kabir giggled.

"Well now that you both kids are smarted than me, come up with the plan yourself." I laughed as I stood up to head to my room but then stopped.

"And why aren't you both at school?" I asked raising my eyebrows trying to act all serious which I couldn't really do.

"There was some fancy dress competition, very boring so we decided to stay home and watch a movie instead." Anju said.

"Oh okay, but no skipping school again, even if there's a fancy dress competition." I said looking at them strictly, they both nodded so I headed inside my room to freshen up.

I stood under the shower thinking of ways of finding out Khushi's real feelings for me, was she actually saying the truth that I wasn't her type or was she just saying it for the reasons I thought she was, there had to be a way I could find out.

With Anju and Kabir willing to help, I could actually come up with a plan or something, I dint want to give up yet, knowing that I had one more chance after even losing all hope.

But what was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to find out? Because asking her about it clearly wasn't going to help, she could even like on my face blankly and I could believe it.

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